Creating Attraction How Get The Man You Desire Mon, 08 Jun 2020 17:14:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why Don’t Guys Approach Me – 7 Things You’re Doing To Drive Men Away Mon, 08 Jun 2020 16:53:41 +0000 Why Don’t Guys Approach Me – 7 Things You’re Doing To Drive Men Away Read More »

Millions of women are feeling left in the dust as men are pummelled with distractions, and don’t even know what they want.

Women are plagued with the question: “Why don’t guys approach me?” Or, “Why don’t guys like me?”

The good news is that this doesn’t mean that men find you unattractive.

But it does mean that you are doing something wrong, or sending some signal to men saying don’t approach me. You may not even realise that you’re doing it.

So we’re going to cover the most common mistakes women make that drive men away, how to fix them and get men to fall for you.

Why Don’t Guys Approach Me

why don't guys approach me

Men are more distracted these days than ever before. They have this little tool in their pocket that gives them access to everything ever posted in the world.

They are bombarded with online dating, instagram models, unlimited free porn, and this has made the need to approach women almost extinct.

And the less they have to approach, the more nervous and scared they become when they do see a woman they want to approach. So woman are now having to take a more proactive role in getting a man to ask you out or approach you.

Then if you couple that with the things you are probably doing wrong that say you’re unapproachable, well you can see how bad this can be.

So keep reading to find out what you’re doing wrong, and how to fix it.

1. How You’re Intimidating Men

Remember, men are terrified of approaching women. More now than ever before due to online dating. There they can message dozens of woman without ever risking their ego by being rejected.

So if you take a man who is already nervous, and you add any bit of intimidating factors, well he is going to run away.

So what the most common ways you’re unknowingly intimidating him?

Lots of Friends

If you’re almost always in a large group of friends, men will almost never approach you. Think about it.

Not only do they have to worry about making a fool of himself in front of you, but your entire group. If he’s not sure he can approach a woman by herself and impress her, how is he going to impress a whole group of strangers?

So if you see a man who you want to approach you, and you’re in a group, make sure to take some opportunities to step away and send some signals to him letting him know he can approach you.

Too Hot

why don't men like me

Every woman loves to dress up and look and feel sexy. But the sexier and more provocative you dress, the more nervous you’re going to make a man.

He’s going to start feeling you are either out of your league, or you’re someone who is just looking to hook up or drag a man along for free drinks.

Also something to consider for the men who do approach you.

Now I’m not saying you can never dress sexy, but when choosing an outfit, take a moment to think if it will be intimidating to men who may want to approach you.

You may also want to consider learning how to seduce men with body language, and not feel you have to rely solely on outfits.

2. How Your Appearance Is Driving Men Away

Just as you may appear too attractive for men to approach you. It’s also possible that you appearance or image may be turning men off. So when asking why. Don’t men approach me, think back to the moments and think of the image you were projecting.

Super Drunk Girl

why don't men approach me

We all love having a good time out with friends, but it is important to know your limit when consuming alcohol. Then stick to it.

If you’re the woman who’s always getting super drunk, and have to have your friends take care of you. Well no man is going to want to approach you, well not the men you want anyway.

So know your limit and stick to it, and just drink enough to have a good time.

Looking Sloppy

You should always take pride in your appearance and how you carry yourself. You don’t always have to look your best and go all out for every little trip you take out.

But you should always try to look nice. So try to avoid looking like you’re on your way to the local Walmart.

You also want to look confident at least. You don’t want to be looking at the ground, shoulders hunched over. You want to be standing tall and proud.

Check out my free guide on how to be confident around guys.

Looking Angry

Millions of people are plagued by resting bitch face, and will almost certainly scare away any man who may want to approach you.

So if you know you suffer from RIB, try to make a concentrated ever to change the natural frown to a slight smile.

Click here for more ways to cure RIB from Vanessa Van Edwards author of the book Captivate: Science of Succeeding with People.

3. You Appear Taken

why don't guys like me

It’s a common rule among men, that you don’t approach a woman when she’s taken. Even if you’re not, if you appear to be, men will not approach you.

It’s too much drama, and creates the possibility of conflict. Also almost guarantees rejection. Remember, men are constantly looking to protect their egos.

A Guy In Any Capacity

If you’re with a guy in any capacity while out, it will appear that he is your boyfriend or date. Doesn’t matter if he’s not.

So be wary of this when you’re out and you see someone you’re interested in, you may have to take some steps to show him you’re interested.


Most men don’t really know what rings mean and which fingers mean what. All they see is a ring, and automatically block you out as approachable.

I know rings are valuable fashion accessories, and a lot even have sentimental value. So if you choose to wear rings, just know some men won’t approach you. So you may have to learn how to approach guys you like.

4. How You’re Telling Men Not Too

We all have lives to live and things to do. But sometimes we get caught up, and in the process we are telling men not to approach. So when you’re asking why don’t guys approach me, think if you are telling men not to.


Most men are respectful of your time, and if you appear to be caught up in a task, they’re not going to disturb you. So if you’re busy, but see a man you’re interested in, take a step back, and send some signs that you’re approachable.

Tough To Catch

If you’re running around like you’re on a mission or short of time, men will realise this. They won’t want to cut into your time, and also they realise that if you’re that busy approaching you won’t be beneficial at all because you’ll have to leave.

So try to slow your pace and look more approachable.

Room Positioning

People’s attention naturally gravitates towards the center of the room. So if you’re sitting in the corner of the room, you’re not catching anyone’s attention.

So make sure you’re moving around, staying out of the corners, and try to make your way to the center. Doesn’t matter if it’s the center of the room, or the center of your group of friends. There attention will naturally gravitate towards you.

Constantly On Your Phone

why don't boys like me

We have become almost addicted to our phones, and even when we’re out you can see we are still constantly on our phones.

This tells men that you don’t want to be disturbed. Not only that, but also tells men that you can’t focus in on the moment, and will always be distracted.

So when you’re out, try to put the phone away and look open to being approached.


I love a good book. I also love reading in the local coffee shop, park, or the beach.

But most men will not want to disturb you because this is a common way to unwind and relieve stress.

So if you are out reading a book, be wary that you are telling men not to approach you. So take some breaks if you want to appear more approachable.

5. Why Don’t Guys Like Me

As you’ve struggled with the question why don’t men approach me, another issue may have been coming to mind.

Even the encounters you do have men, may have just been friendly and pleasant and nothing else. This can also leave you with the question why don’t guys like me.

Just as you were doing things that tell men not approach you, you may also be doing things that kill attraction.

You also have to know what to do and what to say to attract men for when they do approach you.

Why Don’t Boys Like Me Reason #1 – You Come On Too Strong

We’ve all had the moment where we feel like we’ve fallen in love after one date or encounter. It’s natural to then want to spend as much time as possible with this person.

But if you come on too strong, and too needy and desperate you’re going to drive the man away.

So when you do meet a guy you like, take a breath, step back, and hold off on communicating how much you like him if you want to make him your boyfriend.

Why Don’t Men Like Me Reason #2 – You Focus on Looks Over Personality

You may feel that you are getting attention from men, but nothing ever comes of it. Looks are important to an extent, but personality is more important.

So if you don’t know how to have a conversation or have some depth to your personality, you will drive men away.

To counter this, start to focus on your goals and ambitions. Take up new hobbies, and get new experiences. You don’t want to just be the local gossip column, you want to make men desire you for more than just your looks.

Why Don’t Guys Like Me Reason #3 – Having Sex Prematurely

seductive words to say to a man

Theres no hard fast rule for how long you have to wait for sex, but you’ll know when the moment is right.

If you’re having sex before that moment, you risk driving the guy away. A lot of woman feel that the man is becoming distant or losing interest, and they think having sex will pull the man back in.

More often than not, after the encounter the man will want nothing more after that point.

So make sure when you do do it, you wait until the moment is right where you both want it. And you’re not using sex as a way to draw the man back in.

We’ve covered a lot on why don’t guys approach me.

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Intimidation: Men are already nervous when approaching women, so pay attention to the factors that may add additional intimidation. Pay attention to your group size, and appearance, and make opportunities for him to approach you.
  • Unattractive Appearance: Make sure your image you’re projecting is that of someone he’ll want to approach. Don’t get too drunk, work on your RIB if necessary.
  • Appearing Taken: Guys are more likely to not approach you if you appear taken. So if you have a guy in your group, or wearing rings, you may have to approach him or signal him that you’re approachable.
  • Do Not Disturb: If you appear too busy or focused on what you’re doing, men will not want to approach you. So slow down your pace, and make sure you’re having an approachable vibe.

How To Talk To A Guy You Don’t Know – 7 Simple Tips To Get A Date Wed, 03 Jun 2020 19:27:25 +0000 How To Talk To A Guy You Don’t Know – 7 Simple Tips To Get A Date Read More »

Every day we have the opportunity to meet new people, and pretty much do every day. Albeit in a small manner, and things never go past simple pleasantries before parting ways.

Being the social animals we are, you would think knowing how to talk to a guy you don’t know would be pretty simple.

But as soon as we throw interest in there, and we care about the interaction things start falling to pieces.

  • You may freeze, and nothing comes out of your mouth
  • You may find yourself not being able to stop talking
  • You may nervously laugh uncontrollably
  • Or have any number of other nervous ticks.

Learning how to talk to a guy you don’t know and knowing how to get a guy to like you is a skill.

It will take some practice, but if you follow the steps outlined below, you’ll have no problem talking to a guy you don’t know.

How To Talk To A Guy You Don’t Know

This is a skill, it will take practice, and you will fail. Most likely a lot. That is ok. Realise that and accept it.

When the encounter doesn’t go how you want, don’t consider it as a failure. Think about what you did do right, and what you need to improve on. It’s a learning experience, and learn to be proud of it.

Below you will find the 7 steps you need to know on how to talk to a guy you don’t know.

1. Getting His Attention

How to approach a guy

Before you try approaching him and make a cold open (where you force the interaction by saying something to him first) you’ll want to try to get his attention, and create an opening for a conversation to start naturally by showing your interest in him.

The easiest way to do this is to try to make eye contact and give a friendly smile. Now there are two kinds of this. One where you just give a friendly smile because you’ve accidentally made eye contact and you’re trying to be friendly.

Or, where you maintain the eye contact for a little longer than is just friendly, and then add a smile at the end.

Doing this will either get him to approach you, or if he returns the smile it is a green light that you can safely approach knowing that he is open to the encounter.

2. Getting Him To Approach You

How to talk to a guy you like

I mentioned making the eye contact to get his attention, and this will also act as an invitation to get him to approach you.

Though sometimes men will still mistake it as just a friendly glance, and not think anymore of it. So if he doesn’t approach you right away, try making eye contact 1 or 2 more times. This will be enough to prove that it’s not just a friendly gesture, but that you actually want him to approach you.

You’ll also want to be aware of your body language, and what it is saying. This is a big factor of why men don’t approach you.

To start, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t cross your arms, this appears as you are trying to close yourself off from the world, and do not want to be approached. So keep your arms uncrossed and in a natural and comfortable manner.

After that, try to be in the middle of your group, or the room. People are naturally gravitate their focus to the center. By putting yourself in the middle, you are moving his focus to you and creating desire.

3. How To Approach A Guy

How to talk to a cute guy

Sometimes, no matter what you do; you just won’t be able to get his attention or get him to approach you. This is where you’ll have to bite the bullet and approach him. This can totally terrifying, but learning to conquer your fear is vital here.

There are right ways, and wrong ways to do this. When you’re approaching, try to in at a the side or an angle. Not from the back or directly in front of him. If you approach someone like this, you will immediately activate his defensive mechanisms, as these are known as confrontational approaches.

Coming in at the side or angle is less threatening and will make him more open to your approach.

If you feel yourself getting too nervous when thinking about approaching a guy, just focus on feeling your feet on the ground. This will ground you, and get you out of your head.

If this is something new and you’re not used to stepping out of your comfort zone, check out my free guide. 21 Ways To Be More Confident Around Men.

4. How To Talk To A Cute Guy – Conversation Starters

What to say to guys you like

After you’ve approached him, you have to know what to say next. The simplest thing to say is, “Hi” and just smile.

Men will almost always respond in kind. Remember, no one remembers how a conversation started, just whether or not they enjoyed the conversation. All you have to focus on is starting it, and making it enjoyable. What’s most important is focusing on your body language, keeping it pleasant, friendly, and inviting. Knowing how to seduce men with body language is a powerful skill.

Some other things you can try saying are commenting on something that is going on around you.

Or you can try a cheesy pick up line. No one ever uses pick up lines on guys, so it will set you apart, and can be hilarious.

You can ask his opinion on something, ask for the time, ask for directions. We are social beings, so it doesn’t really matter what you say. Just get the conversation started.

5. What To Say To Guys You Like – Holding The Conversation

seductive touches

Learning how to build attraction by conversation is an important skill to have. Remember, people remember the interaction by whether or not they enjoyed it.

So what’s something people enjoy? Talking about themselves and things they are interested in!

Simplest way to get a guy to enjoy being around you is to ask about him. Ask open ended questions and certain moments.

So if he says he’s a computer programmer, you can ask, “What was the moment you realised that this was something you wanted to do?” This gets him focused on a single moment that helped determine the course of his life, and he has to go into depth to explain it. Avoid questions that can be answered with yes or no.

You can also seduce him with words by evoking certain emotional states by asking questions a certain way. For example, “What’s the first sign you notice, that let’s you know, that you might really start to like someone”

6. Getting His Number

texting men the right way

While learning how to talk to a guy you don’t know, you have to realise that a conversation isn’t going to go on forever, and chances are, not very long at all.

So the goal should be to get the number, and then use that to set up a date later.

So how do you go about getting a guys number? Simple, most of the time you just have to suggest exchanging numbers. Men will almost never say no.

If you don’t feel comfortable saying that, then ask about social media. Following each still allows you to message each other, and can be less intrusive than asking for a phone number.

7. How To Talk To A Guy You Like On The Phone

How to get a guy attention through text

Now that you have his phone number, you have to know what to text a guy to get his attention.

You shouldn’t use texting and the phone as a means to delve deeper and getting to really know him. You don’t want to get trapped as texting buddies.

You want to use the phone to try to set up a date as quickly as possible. Especially if the initial conversation was rather brief. It’s a distracting world, and you don’t want to get left behind.

You’ll want to send messages that invoke his curiosity, his passion: interests, goals, etc… and sexual curiosity. Just don’t be too overt, keep it simple with messages like: “Sorry, I was in the shower.”

You’ll also want to avoid sending him books, or texting him more when he isn’t responding. A Good rule of thumb is to keep replies to about the same length of his messages, unless necessary.

Congratulations on making to the end of “How To Talk To A Guy You Don’t Know”

Here are the important key takeaways:

  • Getting His Attention: Smile and try to maintain eye contact. Keep an open body language, and try to remain in the middle.
  • Getting Him To Approach You: Same tips as trying to get his attention. The more you can get his attention, the more likely he is to approach you.
  • How To Approach A Guy: Approach from the side or at an angle to be less confrontational.
  • How To Talk To A Cute Guy – Conversation Starters: A simple hello and smile is usually all that is necessary. You can also try cheesy pick up lines, or commenting on events going around you.
  • What To Say To Guys You Like – Holding The Conversation: After starting the conversation, get him to talk about his interests and himself. Ask open ended questions.
  • Getting His Number: Suggest exchanging numbers, or social media. Most men will never refuse exchanging numbers.
  • How To Talk To A Guy You Like On The Phone: The point should be to set up a date as quickly as possible. Avoid becoming texting buddies.

Now that you know how to talk to a guy you don’t know, you may be interested in my free guide in how to make him your boyfriend.

What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention – Are You Killing His Desire For You? Tue, 02 Jun 2020 19:00:55 +0000 What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention – Are You Killing His Desire For You? Read More »

Our lives are almost ruled by this tiny little tool in our pocket The phone.

Even most of our dating has started to happen on it. This is why knowing what to text a guy to get his attention is vital to getting him to like you, keeping his interest, and getting him to like you.

Everyday millions of women are ruining potential love interests by texting. They are sending the wrong messages, sending too many messages, too easily giving the guy what he wants, or playing too hard to get.

This can seem overly complicated and hopeless as a million questions run through your mind creating self doubt and paralysing fear.

But don’t worry, I’m going to cover everything you need to know about what to text a guy to get his attention.

What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention

How to get a guy attention through text

There is a simple formula for knowing how to get a guys attention through text.

Knowing how to play on his natural tendencies and emotions to not only make him text you back, but also make him want to text you.

Though, I am going to share this information with you, it is important to remember the real point of being to keep his attention through messaging.

That is to get him to want to go on dates with you. You don’t want a texting buddy where all you do is text. So keep this in mind when texting, your ultimate goal, is getting him to ask you out.

Now before I can tell you what to text a guy to get his attention, we must cover what not to send him.

1. What Not To Text A Guy

One Word Texts

God, this is annoying. I’m sure if you’ve done any online dating with Tinder or other app, you have been bombarded with one word messages.

Just think, how often did you respond to heyyy, or what’s up?

If it’s not something you will respond too, why would he? Though it can be used as a test, if he responds, it is a pretty good indicator of his interest.

Though you don’t want to test him, you want get his attention and keep it. So avoid these one word texts.

Text Overload

This is where you are sending multiple messages in rapid fire or sending books in response.

Though this will happen occasionally when things are going really well with messaging, you want to avoid this except in the rarest of occasions. You will know when the time is right.

But, if you’re thinking this really long message will show I’m interested, and let him know how awesome of a person I am and he’ll be forced to respond in kind. Then it is not right.

Blowing his phone up with multiple messages or books is a sure way to kill his interest, and make him not want to text you. Texting should almost always be light hearted and fun, and easily digested. There are better ways to show you’re interested without ruining his interest in you.

You don’t want to go too deep or controversial because texting is missing one vital component. Body language and tonality, and messages can easily be misinterpreted without these.

A rule I follow is, match his responses. If he sends 3 line texts, I respond with 3 line texts, unless absolutely necessary I will not go more than 1 or 2 in excess of what he sends.

This isn’t a concrete rule. Because if he is following the same rule, your texts can be doomed to never reaching more than 2 lines, and nothing will be accomplished as the conversation will die out, while both of you are thinking the other isn’t interested.

This is why I allow going 1 or 2 more than him sometimes. This shows that you are open to more conversation, and can also get him to respond with more. This opens up more possibilities in the conversation.

Double Texting

texting men the right way

This is where you send a message, and he doesn’t respond. So you keep texting him to try to get him to respond.

A lot of people out there are saying never double text, no matter what. Again, I don’t see this as a hard and fast rule.

People do have lives, and those days can be busy or stressful. So when they get a text, and don’t have time to respond, they can easily forget they ever receive a message. So by time they do get home, they’re focused on relaxing, and will forget they ever got a message.

How many times have you forgotten to message someone back before? It does happen.

So I do double text in some situations, and try to base the second one around their schedule.

For example, if I know he gets off work at 5, and I sent my first text around noon. I’ll wait until 6 or 630 to send the second text because I know he is off work and most likely home.

But after the second text, I never send a third if he doesn’t respond. All you can do, at this point is wait.

Drunk Texting

I am 90% against drunk texting. I have had some successes with it, but way more failures. I usually sound like bumbling and desperate fool. Plus when I am drinking, this falls into the booty call hours. So if you want to avoid being just the booty call, avoid drunk texting.

Though drunk texting can lead to some great conversations and can make talking about certain….topics….easier. The times I have had success with it, I’ve noticed this pattern.

We are already texting by time I start to have my first drink. Then I say something along these lines:

“Just met up with friends, and have already had my favourite drink. This is going to be a good night! Though I should probably stop texting you before I embarrass myself texting you lol.”

Sometimes he’ll respond with: “Have fun!”

But more often than not he’ll something like: “Oh yea? How exactly would you embarrass yourself?”

I’ll respond: “Text back in a few hours and you’ll see.”

Then if he responds, DON’T TEXT BACK. Now it is important to not get totally trashed. You want to have a good time, but also some sense left to know what is too much to text.

You also do not text him the rest of the night, UNLESS he texts back in a few hours like you said.

Only in these circumstances should you ever drunk text!

Sexting – Less Is More

Touching your neck - seductive body language

Talking dirty is loads of fun, but if you are reading this guide on what to text a guy to get his attention, then you are not at the point where more is better.

So at this point keep it limited to the occasional joke or innuendo. So if something could be misinterpreted as dirty, add a winky face. But don’t take it much farther than that until you have him.

D. What’s In It For Him

Why do we text and message each other? Because we enjoy the other person. We enjoy talking, joking around, and it brings a sense of happiness.

So while messaging your interest, think of him also. You don’t always want to be talking about your day, troubles, adventures, interests, etc…

Make sure to ask about him, and get him talking about what’s going on his life.

Posting Your Entire Life

Part of texting, is discovering more about the person. Learning their interests, goals, and ambitions. Doing this communication builds a deeper sense of connection and attraction.

If you post your entire life online, you’re taking that away. He already knows you, and everything you’re doing. Limits texting possibilities, and always takes away that mutual exploration that creates deeper feelings.

It also can show that you’re addicted to social media, crave attention, and can be neurotic. Addiction to social media is a real thing, and a turn off.

This is why I also try to limit my social media exposure, and I’ve noticed a huge boost to my happiness and mood. I’ve even become more productive.

Making Assumptions

Again texting lacks some essential keys to communication. Tonality and body language. This can lead to some crazy misinterpretations. So don’t make assumptions that his text shows interest, or that it shows disinterest.

He is texting you for a reason. Most importantly, it is to realise that right now that is because he enjoys talking to you.

This is why I focus on texting to set up dates and meeting up in person. And not as a way to determine interest. It is also way easier and more effective to seduce him with body language than text. This is again, why my main goal is to always set up a date.

Don’t Drag On The Conversation

Conversations are going to die out. That is ok. It’s natural, and you shouldn’t go into panic mode and start neurotically sending messages to keep the conversation going.

It is obvious, and will be a turn off.

So if you notice the conversation is dying, don’t be afraid to say that you’re hanging out with friends now and will talk later.

Chances are he’ll be relieved that you’re not someone who has to constantly text. And that when you’re out you can focus on the moment, and don’t have to be glued to your phone.

2. How To Get A Guys Attention Through Text

how to get a boyfriend fast

Now that we’ve gone over the things you should not due. It is finally time to cover how to get a guys attention through text.

We are going to due this by tapping into his natural tendencies and reactions to get him wanting to text back.

Though be warned, as you become better at texting men, you may be tempted to stick to texting. This is because it is more comfortable and less risk of failure. But it’s also not what you want. The most common reason this happens is because women feel they lack confidence around men. If you feel this is you, then check out me free guide on how to be confident around men you like.

His Curiosity

Everyone loves a little bit of mystery. And our brains are hardwired to close open loops.

So if you open up a loop, and intrigue his curiosity, he has to find a way to find out what is going on and close that loop.

For example you can text, “Can you keep a secret?”

Everyone loves secrets, it makes them feel included and important and trusted. Because only the most trustworthy and important get brought in on the inner circle.

The follow up can go like this.

How to keep a guy interested through text

You don’t want to divulge everything at once. Get him interested and begging for more.

Another example is: “I have a confession to make.”

Just make sure you follow up with up with something interesting, and don’t go confessing your feelings of love or anything like that.

Also don’t lie and confess in having an interest in something he is interested in. You’ll always get called out.

Or: “There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

Now this will build some tension, because his mind will automatically jump to what your confession will be. Just remember not to confess your feelings or anything serious.

The key in creating tension is its release. You’ve gotten him thinking about what you’re going to confess, he’s thinking most likely your feelings. Now he’s thinking how he’s going to respond, and if he’s feeling the same way.

No you want to be able to break the tension rather quickly, and you can do it however you want.

One way will be by following up with: “My favourite animal is the duck. I don’t know why, just something about them. They can float in the water, swim underneath, and fly if they want! It’s just amazing.”

It breaks the tension in an unexpected way, but also got him thinking about you.

This is also important, because the purpose of texting is to get the date. Since you’ve already introduced this tension, when it does come up again, he’ll be more calm and relaxed.

The Hero/Damsel In Distress

How to tell a guy you like him without actually telling him

Now a lot of woman don’t agree with this, but for generations men have raised as protectors of sort. So if this opens up an opportunity for you to exploit it to get his attention and interest, I say go for it!

Example: “I know you’re amazing it __, can you help me out with this?”

This taps into that natural damsel in distress and he will want to help you. The desire to play hero is a hard one to fight for any man.

And he will enjoy having ben able to help, and that he’s someone that you turn to when you need help.

Or: “There’s this shady guy parked outside my house.”

This again will tap into his natural hero desire and want to know what’s going on. You can play around with it a little, and build the anticipation. But then it turns out to be nothing, the pizza guy or something.

Not really important, but gives the reason to have a back and forth and get him responding.

His Passions

Asking open ended questions about his interests and goals effectively forces him to respond with plenty of information that allows the conversation to go further.

what to text a guy to get his attention

As you can, asking an open ended question like that got him going into a much deeper and in depth explanation that opens up many possibilities in the conversation.

This can also be used to build feelings of desire and attraction. For instance, “When you first realise that you’re falling for someone, what’s the first thing you notice that lets you know.” Check out my 11 phrases to seduce men, these also work through text!

Sexual Attraction

seductive words to say to a man

Men are sexual beings, and almost always thinking about sex. So why not use this to your advantage?

Example: “Hey sorry I didn’t respond, I was in the shower.”

It’s a good reason why you haven’t responded, and now its gotten him thinking about you in the shower and building desire for you.

Or: “Hey, which outfit/shirt/dress do you like better?” Followed by different pictures with the different clothing options.

Now he is seeing you look your best in different outfits, and give him a sense of power in picking what you are wearing. This is a huge turn on for some men.

3. When Not To Text

Now knowing what to text a guy to get his attention is important, just as knowing what not to text. But knowing when to not text is also key.

Out With Friends or Having Fun

get his attention

When he knows you’re out with friends, or doing something fun, it’s important to not text him. This shows that when you are able to focus on the moment and and not glued or addicted to your phone.

After Saying You’ll Text Later

If you’ve said you had to go or will message later. Don’t message too soon. If you’re trying to make a point of absence, be absent. Show that you’re capable of being focused and don’t revolve around him.

When You Know He’s Having Fun

If you know he’s out with friends, or doing something. Respect that, and don’t text him expecting a reply. Let him have his fun, and show that you respect his independence.

4. How To Keep A Guy Interest Through Text

How to keep a guy interested

Congratulations! You’ve covered everything on what to text a guy to get his attention. These are the basics that is getting a man’s attention and responding to you. If you keep to these rules you’ll keep his attention and may even make him your boyfriend if that’s something you want.

Here’s a quick recap of the important takeaways:

What Not To Text

  • One Word Texts: You don’t respond to these. Why would he?
  • Text Overload: Keep in line with his response lengths. Don’t send more than 1-2 more than him.
  • Double Texting: If he doesn’t respond. Don’t keep hammering him with texts.
  • Drunk Texting: Don’t make a fool of yourself while drunk.
  • Sexting – Less Is More: A couple of sexual innuendos, but nothing more.
  • What’s In It For Him: Focus on his interests and goals too. Don’t always talk about yourself.
  • Posting Your Entire Life: Limit your social media and don’t post your entire life on there.
  • Making Assumptions: Texting lacks certain contextual clues. So don’t assume texts mean anything. Use them for setting up dates.
  • Don’t Drag On The Conversation: Conversations naturally die out. That’s ok.

When Not To Text

  • Out With Friends or Having Fun: Show him you’re independent and capable of being in the moment and not glued to your phone.
  • After Saying You’ll Text Later: When trying to be absent. Be absent.
  • When You Know He’s Having Fun: If you know he’s out, respect his independence and time, and don’t interrupt him.

What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention

  • Curiosity: Everyone is hardwired to close loops. So create an open information loop to get him to respond.
  • Hero/Damsel In Distress: Men love feeling like the hero. Tap into that complex to get him to respond.
  • Passion: Ask open ended questions about his interests and goals to get him responding in depth.
  • Sexual Attraction: Don’t be shy using subtle ways to get him thinking about you.

Do you want to know more texts that will create desire and get him obsessed with you? Even if he has just broken up with you or hasn’t responded?

Click here to watch a free video for this crazy text that will get men’s blood racing with desire.

How To Make A Man Desire You – 8 Powerful Ways To Build Desire Tue, 02 Jun 2020 14:11:59 +0000 How To Make A Man Desire You – 8 Powerful Ways To Build Desire Read More »

What would knowing how to make a man desire you mean to you? Do you already have a man in mind? Or are you just tired of watching men chase other women over you?

Can you imagine what it would feel like, being able to go out, knowing that men will be foaming at the mouth trying to get your attention and affection? Being able to make any man desire you, and finally out shine the women who’s shadow you feel like you’ve been living under your whole life.

Though, that probably feels like a fantasy right now, met by the harsh reality that men aren’t chasing after you. You’re just not sure how to make a man desire you. Do any of these sound familiar:

  • You often feel ashamed and foolish after talking to a man you like
  • You feel like shrinking away and wish you were invisible during encounters
  • You feel like men hardly ever notice you in that way
  • You often imagine confidently seducing men, but in reality you’re almost paralysed by fear and prefer to be left alone

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

The secrets of learning how to make a man desire you is only a few scrolls away.

Because in this article I’m going to show exactly what to do be more confident, and attractive to men, and how to make them desire you.

How To Make A Man Desire You

Men are more distracted than ever in the dating world. They have Tinder, Bumble, Plenty of Fish, OkCupid, and hundreds of other dating sites. So it’s understandable as to why you may be asking yourself why don’t men like me.

They have Social Media and are constantly bombarded with pictures of drop dead gorgeous women. Even though these are heavily filtered and photoshopped.

They have unlimited access to porn, and porn damages relationships.

So learning how to make a man desire you seems complicated right?

I’ve broken this into 8 steps on everything you need to know on how to make a man desire you.

1. Have Your Own Life

attracting men - how to use goals

Men should not be the centre of your life. At least no directly. If you’re constantly chasing men, trying to build attraction, and you’re doing this in the wrong manner, the desperation and neediness will be apparent. This will have the opposite of your desired effect.

Instead of attracting men, you will push them away. Men will not want anything to do with someone who constantly needs attention and is dependent on it.

So, when learning how to make a man desire you, it is important to find that line. Although that is your goal, it shouldn’t be your life. And you should identify other goals to pursue that will naturally allow you to also focus on learning how to make a man desire you.

Go ahead and take moment to think about your interests, hobbies, and goals. What are the things you enjoy doing, and what else do you want to accomplish?

Got them? Good. Now it’s time to take a look at them and figure out how to use these to also accomplish your goal of attracting men.

To help with this, I’ve written down my own goals and interests and will work along with you.


  1. Pay off debt and be debt free.
  2. Finish my bachelors in psychology
  3. Travel the world

How to use this:

My first goal is to pay off debt and be debt free. How I am I doing this? By working different jobs. So I work as a bartender and I write articles online for people who often pay 5-10 dollars per articles. This works in two ways:

By working I am gaining interesting experiences, bartenders have some awesome stories, and I am sharing something that someone else might use to make some extra money. Not many people know about writing articles online for money.

Then this works by showcasing attributes men will find attractive and sexy. I’m not afraid of working and learn natural wit by working and constantly being around drunk guys. I showed some out of the box thinking by earning money online.

By working on my first goal I am gaining experiences and stories that I can share to make encounters more interesting and funny and showcasing attributes that men will naturally desire. See how this naturally helps with my goal of learning how to make a man desire you?

Now for my second goal: finish my bachelors in psychology.

Nothing too amazing about this, but in psychology I’ve learned some interesting facts about human behaviours, and some games to play that make me look amazing and fun. I pretty much learned magic tricks without knowing, because most of magic is psychology and knowing human behaviour and mind.

By pursuing my degree, I’ve learned fun things to do in groups that people enjoy being around me, because we’re always having fun.

My last goal is travel the world. Because I’m also trying to pay off debt, I’m always looking for cheap ways to travel. So I take advantage of couchsurfing, airbnb, cheap flights.

By doing this, I not only have travel experiences to share, but also of ways to doing this for cheap. So whenever people are also trying to travel, they think of me when they want advice.

See how all my goals, I can combine them with ways of knowing how to make a man desire you? Now what are some ways you can use your current goals to also learning how to make a man desire you?

The same thing goes for your hobbies and interests. You should be more than a local gossip column. Having hobbies and interests not only gives you more experiences to share and make you more interesting, but also gives you plenty of opportunities to practice social skills, and maybe even meet men!

So remember, don’t make attracting men your life’s obsession. Have your own life, and find ways to use that and combine them with learning how to make a man desire you.

2. Take Care of Yourself

relax around men

Taking care of yourself is a vital part of your journey. It serves multiple purposes here.

First, in order to know how to make a man desire you, you have to be your best. And you can’t be your best or feel your best if you aren’t taking care of yourself.

Secondly, it showcases you as a motivated, self-aware, dedicated, and hardworking person. These are all attractive qualities, and will naturally draw men to you.

Lastly, it will show that you are in fact, capable of caring for yourself. That the man, should you start dating, won’t need to take care of you. Relationships should be about mutual growth, and if the entirety of the relationship is spent with him trying to care of you? Nothing will last very long.

So how do you go about taking care of yourself?


You don’t have to become a fitness fanatic, join your local CrossFit gym, or anything like that. But you should incorporate a weekly fitness routine.

It can be as simple as working out 30 minutes for 3 times a week. This can consist of yoga, jogging, body weight exercises. You will need to find some goals for exercising, and find the best program for you.

Here is one I recommend – It is a yoga program that will help lose weight, tone muscle, reduce stress, induce calmness, and build confidence. If you are someone who finds themselves constantly nervous around men, this will help a lot with learning on how to calm yourself.

Eat Healthy

Next you want to focus on eating healthy. You don’t have go vegan, vegetarian, or become some fanatic. But focus on cutting out some critical junk foods.

These are sodas, processed snacks and junk food, and other foods high in sugar.

Eat more vegetables and fruit. Though, if you are trying to lose weight, limit the amount of fruit and dried fruit you eat. They are high in sugar and can make losing weight more complicated.

Just doing these simple things will make you feel great, and also help you lose weight. I try to stick to the 85-15 rule. 85% of my meals are healthy, and 15% are whatever I want to eat.

Live Your Life

Next, live your life. I covered this in depth in the previous section. By focusing on your goals and hobbies you will notice huge improvements in mood and happiness. And men will naturally enjoy being around you.

These are the 3 most important things in taking care of yourself when learning how to make a man desire you. You will notice improvements in your body, mood, and happiness. You will look better, and feel better. You will have increased levels of confidence, and will naturally draw men towards you.

Limit Social Media

Our lives are starting to revolve around social media and our phone. Limit how much time you spend on social media and much you are texting people versus spending time with people in person. Though you can text a guy to get his attention, it shouldn’t be the only way you communicate.

You’ll start to notice improvements your mood and happiness as you aren’t dragged down by the constant obsessions and complaints of social media.

3. Be Confident

how to act confident around guys


If only it were that easy. Gaining confidence is going to be the hardest part of your journey in learning how to make a man desire you.

Confidence is something you have, it’s something you gain. And the only way you can gain confidence is through experience. Experience also means failure.

It can sound pretty daunting and terrifying, and this is where most women falter, and where they never learn to attract men.

Using What We’ve Already Covered

First and foremost, make sure you follow my first sections in this guide on how to make a man desire. As you accomplish goals and pursue interests, you will naturally begin to see yourself as a capable woman. This will lead to higher levels of confidence.

Then as you take better care of yourself, you will start to feel and look better. You will feel better about yourself, and as men start to become drawn to you, this will also be a confidence boost.

As you work on those two things, are hare some more ways to be confident, or at least appear confident.

What Else To Work On

First make sure you maintain eye contact and smile. Being able to look into someones eyes is a sign of confidence and also shows interest and engagement.

Then stand tall, and keep the shoulders back. You don’t want to appear stiff, but avoid slumping. Slumped shoulders not only makes you feel not confident, but showcases it, and is unattractive.

Our posture has a way of dictating our mood, so try some power poses. This can be standing wide, feet at least shoulder width apart. Or putting your hands on your hips to help pump yourself up.

There is no easy way to be confident, and will take some work, some practice, and some failure.

It is also a very in-depth topic, so I created a separate guide on it. Be sure to check out it below.

MORE: How To Be Confident Around Men

4. Be Fun To Be Around

how to have fun with men

If you’ve been following my advice so far, you will have started to notice that encounters and interactions have been more enjoyable.

As you pursue your interests and goals, you are gaining new experiences, new stories to tell. You are gaining experience with social interactions, especially new ones, and are beginning to be more comfortable in new settings and talking to men you don’t know.

You are looking and feeling better, and feeling more confident, which allows you to be more fun when you’re not self conscious.

So that has covered a lot of this topic on being fun to be around, but there is some more to go over.

Be Open To New Experiences

Don’t be afraid to try new things. This could be hiking, indoor rock climbing, taking an art class, an escape room, a museum, just about anything.

Go online and try to find things close to you that you haven’t tried or seen yet. Make a list of things you might be interested in, and try to get a group of friends together and try to do at least 1 new thing a month.

If your friends aren’t open to it, then don’t be afraid to invite new friends, or even go alone. Just be smart about going alone.

As you do new things, and have these experiences to draw from, people will enjoy being around you because you not only have good stories, but because you are also doing things and can bring them along.

Be Spontaneous

Life doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be a set schedule. Be open to the spontaneous adventure. A weekend trip to the beach, seeing a random event, a random band.

You may be walking down the street and a band hands you a flier to their concert, why not go?

Or maybe you see an interesting store or museum, just jump on in there.

See a billboard for a day cruise or trip? Why not look into it?

Get invited somewhere by a group you just met, see where the experience leads as long as you feel safe about it.

The key is to be open to experiences, and when you feel yourself naturally shutting down and saying no. Try to say yes.

As men begin to realise how much they enjoy being around you, and how fun you are. You’ll start to notice that you’re getting men to ask you out without even trying now!

5. Flirt

how to seduce a man with your body language

If you’re interested in a man, you don’t want to have a poker face. If he isn’t getting any signals from you, he may just think that you are friendly and pleasant, but he will never make a move if he thinks that you aren’t interested in him.

So you don’t have to do much to signal your interest.

  • Make sure to maintain eye contact and smile.
  • Twirl your hair in your fingers or pull it back and over one side. This exposes the neck, and is pretty seductive to a man.
  • Laugh and let him know you’re having a good time.
  • Lightly touch his arm or shoulders. Lightly graze knees together. Let him know you’re comfortable with the physical contact.
  • Lean in towards him when talking to show interest. And try to close the gap between you too whenever possible.
  • Lightly touch your self by running a finger down your neck while talking or listening. Just make it look natural and don’t overdue it.
  • Tease him and joke around with him. Don’t be afraid to make a joke at his expense.
  • Compliment him. Men hardly receive compliments and it will let him know you notice and like something about him.

These are some of the easiest ways to communicate interest and start to get him interested in you. Just remember, you will most likely have to show men some interest before they start to make a move. Check out the free guide below on how to do this without looking like a fool and embarrassing yourself!

MORE: How To Subtly Show Men You Like Them

6. Don’t Be Afraid Of What You Want

Deciding what you want

A lot of women have grown up thinking that they should just go with the flow. But when you look at the women that men are going after, a lot of times, these are the decisive women.

So don’t be afraid to say what you want. You don’t want to be demanding and uncompromising.

But if you are asked what you want to eat, just say it. You can be ok if that’s not what you get, but it’s what you want.

If the night out is leading somewhere you don’t want to go, don’t be afraid to say no. This may seem counterintuitive to the earlier section of being fun to be around. Though, this doesn’t mean being a yes woman. Have lines you won’t cross, especially if you’re getting a bad feeling.

This also goes for sex when you get to the point. Don’t be afraid to guide the man to what you really like and enjoy. Or correct him. Just don’t do it in a demeaning way, and a lot of men will appreciate the instruction.

Knowing what you want, and decisive is a huge step on your journey to learn how to make a man desire you. By being decisive you will start to stand out from the millions of women who go with the flow, and you will start to get the mans interest.

7. Use Body Language To Seduce Him

Touching your neck - seductive body language

A lot of focus is spent on conversation and things to say, but the majority of our communication comes from body language. 55% of it to be precise.

So you can say all the right things, and still destroy any chance of getting him to desire you, because you were saying the wrong things with your body.

So learning what your body is saying, and how to say the right things with it is paramount in attracting men.

You can find my free guide on exactly how to do this below.

MORE: How To Seduce Men With Body Language

8. How To Seduce Him With Words

seducing him with body language

Body language takes up the majority, but what you say, and how you say it still accounts for the other 45% of communication.

While you learning how to make a man desire you, you’re going to want him to feel certain things, and go into certain emotional states.

You can accomplish this with words and phrases.

For example:

“How does it feel when you are attracted to someone.”

Although this is a bit forward, in order for him to know this, he has to feel it. If you’re starting to realise how powerful this can be, the check out me free guide below.

MORE: How Can I Seduce Him With Words

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end! We have covered the 8 most important parts of learning how to make a man desire you.

Here the key important takeaways:

  • Have Your Own Life: Pursue your goals and interests as a catalyst for creating attraction.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Have an exercise routine. Avoid junk void, and eat healthier foods. Have hobbies and pursue interests.
  • Be Confident: Maintain eye contact, stand tall, and avoid speaking too fast.
  • Be Fun To Be Around: Be open to new things and experiences. Be open to the spontaneous adventure. Avoid being a Debby Downer
  • Flirt: Smile and laugh. Lightly touch his arm and/or your neck. Tease and banter with him.
  • Don’t Be Afraid Of What You Want: Being decisive will help you stand out and build interest and get him focused on you.
  • Use Body Language To Seduce Him: Be aware of what your body is saying, and use it to send the right signals.
  • How To Seduce Him With Words: Use your words to get him into states and feelings that help build attraction and interest.

There you have it! Everything to get started on learning how to make a man desire you! You’ll now notice that more and more men are asking you out, and you may even get a boyfriend you really like out of this!

Is there a tip that helped you most? Do you have your own tip?

Let me know below in the comments!

How To Show A Guy You Like Him – 21 Simple Ways To Show Interest Mon, 01 Jun 2020 01:29:56 +0000 How To Show A Guy You Like Him – 21 Simple Ways To Show Interest Read More »

Nothing is worse than staring at your crush and silently shouting to yourself “HOW CAN’T YOU SEE I LIKE YOU!!” Men can be some dense sons of bitches.

And you may have to take some extra steps and spell it out. Learning, subtly how to show a guy you like him, is an important step in getting a guy to like you.

In essence, you’ll be learning how to tell a guy you like him without actually telling him. You’ll be making the first move, without actually making the first move.

Make sense?

How To Show A Guy You Like Him

Below you’ll be learning 21 subtle ways on how to show a guy you like him. Can you imagine how things will be different for you if you know to confidently steer him towards without much effort on your part?

What would that mean to you?

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know on how to show a guy you like him.

1. How To Flirt With Guys

how to show a guy you like him

Flirting is the foundation of any social interaction where your goal is to build attraction and interest.

Learning how to effectively flirt important if you really want to know how to show a guy you like him.

Luckily for women, it doesn’t take much to being able to flirt effectively.

First, you’ll want to make eye contact and smile to show interest and engagement in the interaction. This will be covered more shortly.

Secondly, occasionally play with your hair. This is especially good if he is talking about something he is interested in. Make eye contact, smile, and twirl your hair around in your fingers. You don’t want to be constantly doing this, so don’t overdue it.

Also pulling your hair back, and off to one side exposing your next. Exposing the neck is a sign of vulnerability, trust, and the neck is a very attractive part of the body to the male and is perfect for building desire.

Next, use some light touching. This will also be covered more in just a second.

Lastly, you can tease him. Making a few jokes at his expense is a great way to build a back and forth which builds attraction.

MORE: Why Don’t Guys Approach Me

2. Using Eye Contact

how to seduce a man with your body language

I mentioned this just a second ago, but it is the first step in learning how to show a guy you like him. Not only will it help with this, but is a great tool in any social interaction.

Maintaining eye contact lets him know that you’re focused on him and what he is saying. It shows you’re at least interested in the interaction, and aren’t looking for a way out or something more interesting around you.

Have you ever been in a conversation and they just kept looking around. How did that make you feel? It doesn’t make you feel good. Almost like you don’t matter in the moment, and that they want nothing to do with you.

That is the last thing you want to tell him.

So make sure to maintain eye contact to show interest and engagement.

MORE: How To Seduce A Man With Your Body Language

3. Touch – How To Let A Guy Know You’re Interested

Nothing gets a man’s mind, and heart racing, like some flirtatious touching. There is a right way to do this, and a wrong way. Well, not necessarily wrong, but will send a different message.

So if you’re just starting out, and just want to know how to show a guy you like him, follow the first way.

Luckily, this is really simple. Whenever he says something funny, or you’re laughing. Just lightly touch his arm, and make sure you’re looking down or away. Or if you guys are sitting next to each, lightly graze his knee with your knee.

Physical contact is a clear sign of interest, and comfort with each other.

Another way you can touch, is by complimenting his shirt, watch, and reaching out to touch it and draw attention it. It seems innocent, but builds that trust, comfort, and interest.

Now what you don’t want to do right away, is begin rubbing his chest while maintaining eye contact, or running your fingers through his hair. There’s a time and place for that, but not necessarily when you are just beginning to know how to show a guy you like him.

4. Dress Your Best

You may think that dressing provocatively is a great way on how to show a guy you like him and interested in him. But it can have the opposite effect.

First, you may intimidate him. If you guys are just starting to know each other, he may not know your normal attire. Are you always dressing like this? Did you dress like this for him? Are you someone who likes to sleep around? It may end up having the opposite of the desired effect.

You can dress sexily without being provocative. Focus on attire that you’re comfortable with, and if you do want to show some skin, focus on the neck and shoulders.

Also, by not bearing everything you have to show, you get his mind wondering what all do you have.

By doing this you’re getting his interest, and when combined with the other tips, it is a great way on how to show a guy you like him.

5. Laugh

how to get a guy to ask you out

Everyone loves to laugh and have a good time. By laughing, you’re showing that you’re enjoying his company and having a good time.

Even if he says something stupid, and you’re still smiling and having a good time. Chances are he knows what he said isn’t very funny; this means that you’re not enjoying his company because he’s the jokester. You’re enjoying his company because of him.

This is a great way on how to show a guy you like him. Just don’t overdue by obsessively laughing at everything.

6. How To Use Friends

Sometimes it doesn’t really matter what you do, men just won’t pick up on the hints. So instead of knowing how to show a guy you like him, you have your friends drop some hints.

A small tinder, coupled with the other tips, can ignite the flame between you too.

They can drop some hints by saying things like:

“You two seem to be getting along great?”
“I haven’t seen her have this much fun with anyone in a long time.”
“I can see you two making a cute couple. What do you think?”

It doesn’t take much, such a small statement or questions, and pretty soon his mind will reeling with the thought of you guys together.

7. How To Text To Show Him Your Interested

How to let a guy know you're interested

If you guys have each other phone numbers, sending an occasional text seeing how he is doing is a great way on how to show a guy you like him.

It shows that you’re interested in him and how is day is going.

Or you can texts with things like, “I’m bored.” This shows that you’re thinking of him, and that you think of him as someone who is fun and you enjoy being with.

Just don’t overdue, and try to match his response lengths. So if he sends you a two line text, don’t respond with a book. Try to respond with no more than 1 or 2 lines more than he does, unless absolutely necessary.

MORE: What To Text A Guy To Get His Attention

8. Showing Interest – How To Let A Guy Know You Like Him

Showing interest in what he has going on in life is naturally simple on how to show a guy you like him.

If he has a test, ask him how it’s going studying. Or how the test went and how feels he did on it.

Same thing goes for interviews.

Or maybe he’s working towards a goal. Ask him how it’s going, and find out more about the goal and why it is important to him.

Usually people don’t show this much interest in someone unless they themselves are interested in the person and how they’re doing. So this will be a strong signal to him.

9. Tease HIm

How to let a guy know you like him

Knowing how to talk to a guy you like will take some time and practice, and this is a skill you most definitely need to practice!

Teasing and banter is a great way to build attraction when learning how to show a guy you like him. It shows a level of comfort with the person. It also shows confidence, that you aren’t intimidated by him.

This will certainly capture his attention and interest if you can successfully pull this off.

10. How To Be Confident…Or Fake It

Being and showing your confident, especially when you don’t necessarily feel that way, can be an extremely tough thing to do.

But can be as simple as, having your shoulders pulled back, standing tall, and making eye contact.

Try to avoid slumping, as it is unattractive and shows a lack of confidence.

If you’re feeling especially nervous, focus on your feet to ground yourself. Just put 70% of your focus on the feeling of your feet on the ground. This will slow your breath, and get you out of your head.

If you really want to know how show a guy you like him, and also get his interest, follow the link below and read my free guide on gaining confidence.

MORE: 21 Ways To Be Confident Around Guys You Like

11. Relationship? How To Tell A Guy You Like Him Without Actually Telling Him

How to tell a guy you like him without actually telling him

Simply inquiring if he is in a relationship is a great way on how to show a guy you like him.

The question is pretty straightforward and revealing as to what you are thinking. It is also important for you to know, as you don’t want to waste your time on someone who is taken.

You also probably don’t want the stress or drama of finding out your his side piece.

12. Ask For His Number

Exchanging phone numbers is an important step. It not only shows interest, but also trust. You don’t just give out your phone number to anyone, especially someone you don’t trust or enjoy talking too.

It’s as simple as just asking, or saying, “Let me get your number real quick.” You’ll be hard pressed to find a man who will flat out say no.

If you don’t feel comfortable asking, you can say something like, “I’ve enjoyed our conversation so far. How could we continue?” This will get him thinking, and will most likely end with him suggesting exchanging numbers

If neither option feels comfortable to you, you can try social media. This leads me to the next point on how to show a guy you like him.

MORE: How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out

13. Social Media

Being friends or following each other on social media is a great way on how to show a guy you like him.

Not only does it connect you guys, and what is going on in life. It provides plenty of opportunities to interact. You can like his posts, comment on his posts, or send messages.

14. Be Happy To See Him

Being happy to see him is a pretty clear signal that he is someone you enjoy being around. Just don’t overdue it.

So if you’re in a conversation with a friend and he shows up, make sure to acknowledge him, and that it’s great to see him. But then get back to the conversation with your friend.

This shows that you notice him and are happy to see him, but also that you’re not desperately dropping everything to be around him. Desperation and clinginess are not attractive to men, and will drive them away.

15. Invite The Guy Out

This is a simple and pretty innocent way how to show a guy you like him. This doesn’t necessarily mean inviting him on a date.

But if you and a group of friends are going bowling, to a movie, to a fair, concert, or just about anything.

Make sure to send an invite his way. This lets him know you enjoy being around him, and that you want him involved. Just make sure to not practically beg him to come.

If he says no, you can tease him a little, but just don’t drag it on.

16. Share Interests

Find out what his goals and hobbies are. What does he enjoy doing in his free time. What is he actively trying to accomplish.

Discovering common interests or goals, is not only an excuse to spend more time together, but will also build a stronger and deeper connection. Everyone loves a kindred spirit!

MORE: How To Seduce A Man With Words

17. Give Him Your Number

I want a boyfriend so bad
Sexy girl in a white tank top and blue short denim shorts speaks on the phone and laughs

This is a pretty straight forward way on how to show a guy you like him.

So saying, “Hey, let me give you my number, and lets stay in touch.” Is a pretty strong signal of your interest. He will most likely respond by giving you his number also!

18. Compliment Him

Guys aren’t regularly complemented, but a lot of them do put a lot of effort into their hair, clothing, and other things. So they will really appreciate the compliment, and also lets them know that you are paying attention to them. That you notice and appreciate the things about them.

A pretty clear signal.

19. Ask Him To Dance

be active to get his interest

Maybe you are you in a club or party, and the loud music makes a conversation not feasible. Getting into a shouting match is never fun, and can be annoying. Especially when you end up shouting the same thing over and over because you can’t hear.

So ask him to dance. Not only will this initiate physical contact, but is a pretty clear way on how to show a guy you like him.

If he is pretty shy about dancing, you can suggest getting a breath of fresh air so that you can carry on talking in peace.

20. Close The Gap

When you guys are talking, be sure to lean into him to show interest and engagement.

Or if walking together, close the gap, and maybe bump into him a few times. Or keep walking closer and closer pushing him off the sidewalk as a form of banter and teasing.

Just get close, as close as is comfortable for you both. Being in close proximity builds comfort, rapport, and attraction. This is because we don’t let just anyone into our personal space.

21. Take Pictures Together

Take the opportunities that arise to get your picture taken together. If you guys are out and see the chance for a good picture, don’t be afraid to hand your phone to a friend and ask for a quick picture.

This is a great way on how to show a guy you like him. It gets you guys close, most likely with his arm around you (physical contact), and gets him in that frame of mind.

It also shows that you don’t mind being seen together.

This concludes everything on how to show a guy you like him.

Here is a quick recap on the important takeaways:

  • Flirt: Throw some playful touches in. Smile and maintain eye contact. Play with your hair, and don’t be afraid of some banter.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Keep eye contact to show engagement and interest in him and the interaction.
  • Light Touches: Some light touches on the arm, or grazing of the knees is all it takes.
  • Dress Your Best: Don’t dress too provocatively. You can still be sexy without showing everything. If you do want to show skin, show the shoulders and neck.
  • Laugh: Laughing shows that you’re enjoying your time together, even if he isn’t terribly funny.
  • Use Friends: Don’t be afraid to have your friends drop some hints about the two of you together. Can be the breath you need to ignite the flame.
  • Texting: Texting will let him know you are thinking of him. Just don’t overdue it, and keep responses no more than 1 or 2 lines more than his.
  • Show Interest: Show interest in the things going on in his life.
  • Teasing: Don’t be afraid of some light banter or teasing to build attraction.
  • Be Confident: Pull your shoulders back, stand tall.
  • Ask If He Is Taken: This sends a clear signal of what you are thinking. It is also important to know.
  • Ask For His Number: Hardly any man will say no, and lets him know you enjoy talking to him.
  • Use Social Media: There’s plenty of opportunities to interact with his posts and pictures.
  • Be Happy To See Him: Let him know you’re happy to see him. Just don’t drop everything at a moments notice to go over.
  • Invite Him Out: If you’re doing something with a group of friends, send an invite his way.
  • Share Interests: Discovering common interests builds rapport and offers more opportunities to hang out.
  • Give Him Your Number: Pretty straight forward, and will likely end with him giving you his number also.
  • Compliment Him: Guys enjoy being complimented also and lets him know you notice him.
  • Ask Him To Dance: If conversation isn’t feasible, ask him to dance.
  • Close The Gap: Lean into him when talking, or find other ways to close the gap between you two.
  • Take Pictures Together: Be on the lookout for a good picture opportunity.

Learning how to let a guy know you’re interested is just the first step. If you want to know the next step, then read how to get a boyfriend.

How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out – 16 Subtle Ways To Let Him Know Sun, 31 May 2020 17:47:20 +0000 How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out – 16 Subtle Ways To Let Him Know Read More »

One of the worst plagues of humanity are the relationships that are never explored. It is happening every day, where the attractive woman and handsome man are stealing quick glances at each other. The man wondering on if the woman likes him or not. And the woman wondering if the man likes her, or how to get him to like you.

But the wish remains just that. Hope for what is to come, but both are silently thinking that the other person isn’t interested, and don’t want to make a fool of themselves.

Does this sound like something you’ve experienced?

If so, you’re probably wondering how to get a guy to ask you out.

Now…imagine if you knew a list of ways to subtly show your interest, and give him the assurance and confidence to ask you out? What would that mean to you?

How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out

Most men are shy creatures, who want to appear proud and confident, but are just as insecure as the next person. They will rarely put themselves in a situation that will damage their ego.

This unfortunately means, that the man you want to ask you out, is probably littered with self doubt that you have no interest in him. Even if this is the furthest thing from the truth, and can leave yourself asking why don’t men like me.

So how to get a boy to ask you out remains the question.

Below you will find my free guide: 16 ways on how to get a guy to ask you out.

1. Make Eye Contact

how to seduce a man with your body language

This is the foundation of any social interaction, yet more often than not, when we are talking with someone we are interested it, maintaining eye contact becomes difficult and uncomfortable.

I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced a conversation where the person just refused to look you in the eye. They were either looking down, or away.

Now think about how you felt? Probably uncomfortable, and slighted that they wouldn’t look you in the eye. It feels like they’re not interested, and have better things to do.

This is the last thing you want to communicate to guy you are interested in.

So make sure to make eye contact to let him know you are focused on the interaction, and on him.

Also making eye contact with guy at a distance, is a great way to let him know that you want him to approach you.

MORE: How To Seduce A Man With Your Body Language

2. How To Dress

Sure dressing sexy and provocatively is loads of fun, and the states and attention from guys feel great. You will most definitely be getting men to desire you…in that moment. But they probably won’t think of you again after that.

You are getting the wrong attention from the wrong guys when you are doing this.

The kind of men who do approach you, are more than likely players, and only want one thing from you. On top of that, you’ll come off as too intimidating to the men you do want to attract.

So find a comfortable outfit that is attractive, but not too intimidating. Plus men love outfits that aren’t too revealing. It can get them wondering, what is under it.

3. Being Witty

Being witty is more than just cracking joke after joke. It shows a sign of intelligence and humour that is incredibly sexy.

Though it appears as if some just have it, and some don’t. Learning to be witty can take some time to learn, but once you do it, is a huge bonus to your arsenal to attract men and learning how to get a guy to ask you out.

4. Be Happy

how to get a guy to ask you out

No one likes a Debby Downer who is always finding something to complain about or judge. It’s unattractive, and is detrimental if you want know how to get a guy to ask you out.

No one is going to want to ask someone out who is always bringing down the mood and isn’t fun to be around.

So start looking for the positives in life, and what you have to be happy about. People want to be around people who make them feel good.

If you are more often than not, in a positive and vibrant mood, you will naturally attract people, and men are that much more likely to ask you out.

5. Be Approachable

Knowing how to get a boy to ask you out, you first have to know how to be approachable. If they don’t know you want them to approach you, or you seem unapproachable, then they won’t even get to the first step.

One of the most common mistakes women make, is keeping their arms crossed. It’s a comfortable position, and also helps make you feel comfortable. But it is sending the signal that you want to be left alone and are unapproachable.

So keep your arms uncrossed and your body language open to encourage men to approach you.

6. Be Confident

how to act confident around guys

Simple advice. Sounds simple. In reality is much harder to accomplish. It’s going to require multiples steps.

First, you’re going to have to take care of yourself. This means healthy diet, exercise routines, and some self work.

Secondly, work on your posture. Shoulders back, a little bit of wider stance. This signals confidence and is extremely attractive to men and will naturally draw them to you. Bonus Tip: Putting your hands on your hips is a common power pose, and will help you feel more confident.

Last, you’re going to want to practice. Confidence doesn’t arise from out of the blue. You have to build it. So whatever you want to be confident in, you’re going to have to practice.

There is a lot more that goes into being confident when learning how to get a guy to ask you out. You can find my free guide on confidence which includes 21 ways to be confident around guys.

MORE: How To Be Confident Around Guys

7. HOw To Flirt

Flirting is a powerful way to not only indicate your interest in a man, but to also get him more interested in you.

Flirting is fun, and makes the interaction fun, and the more fun he has around you, the more attracted he will be to you.

Luckily for women, flirting isn’t too complicated, and doesn’t take much when learning how to get a guy to ask you out.

First, maintain eye contact and smile. This will let him you know you are at least interested and enjoying the interaction, and will be encouraging to him.

Secondly, throw in some let touches. All you have to do is lightly touch his arm whenever you laugh, or you feel is appropriate. Physical contact, however light, shows that you are comfortable with the person and is a sign of interest.

Last, play with your hair. You can twirl it in your fingers, pull back over one side. This exposes the neck, a sign of vulnerability, trust and comfort. Men also find the neck incredibly sexy.

If you’re confident, you can also tease him and throw in some jokes. Not everyone is comfortable with this, so go only far as you’re comfortable as you don’t want to ruin the interaction.

If you want to learn, practice in situations that you aren’t too invested in, and the outcome doesn’t matter much.

8. Conversation – Explore Common Interests

how to get a boyfriend fast

While learning how to get a guy to ask you out, you have to know what to say to guys you like.

If the interaction is full of awkward silences, there’s not much chance of him asking you out.

A good way to keep the conversation going, is to talk of interests and discover some common ground. It’s much easier to talk when you are talking about something you’re interested in.

Not only are you confident in the subject, but it’s exciting to you and him. It’s always fun to see someone light up about something, and is great towards building attraction.

MORE: 11 Phrases To Build Attraction and Seduce Him

9. Have Friends Drop Some Hints

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you flirt or interest you show. Some guys will just think you are friendly and aren’t interested.

So, you may need a small tinder to ignite the flame.

You can have your friends drop some hints, suggesting he ask you out. Don’t underestimate the power of suggestion.

Once he gets the idea in his head, he’ll be hard pressed to get out, and soon won’t be able to think of anything else but to ask you out.

This is a simple and great tool when learning how to get a guy to ask you out. Best of all, it doesn’t really require you to do anything at all!

10. Talk About Your Plans

Talking about plans is an and innocent and great way on how to get a guy to ask you out.

When the conversation is going well, and you are enjoying time together; talking about what you have coming up will naturally lead to the suggestion that you guys hang out together.

The best ways on how to get a guy to ask you out, is when it comes up naturally. This is because his entire experience with you will feel natural and easy. Like he doesn’t have to think about it all, and that he really enjoys his time with you.

11. Drop Some Hints

getting men to notice you

If having your friends suggest to ask you out. You may have take the initiative and drop some hints while learning how to get a guy to ask you out.

You don’t have to be overly direct with it.

You can say things like:

“Meeting you/This has been really fun.”
“I’ve enjoyed this so far, what are some ways we can keep this going.”

It doesn’t have to be much, just draw attention to the fact that you guys are enjoying each other’s company and having fun.

He will naturally realise that he wants it to continue and that he will want to ask you out.

MORE: 21 Ways To Tell A Guy You Like Him Without Actually Telling Him

12. Don’t Appear Desperate

Nothing is a bigger turn off to a guy than appearing desperate and clingy. So when you’re learning how to get a guy to ask you out, identify and draw some lines you won’t cross.

You can’t be expected to drop everything at a moment’s notice for the chance to see him. You don’t want to constantly text back every time you get a message from him. Texting can easily ruin any chance of desire, and there are right ways to text a man to get his interest.

Things like this. You also have a life, so don’t forget to focus on it also. Don’t make him the centre of your universe.

13. Carpe Diem

how to get a boy to ask you out

There are times when opportunities will unexpectedly present themselves. Don’t become too laser focused, and try to remain vigilant to recognise these opportunities and and open to them.

Examples of this are when you run into a coffee shop to get a quick coffee before work. You may not even be paying attention to your surroundings, and miss the cute guy waiting by the counter.

So always remain open to new opportunities and keep and eye out for them.

14. Don’t Rely On Alcohol

Drinking is a ton of fun. But it isn’t a substitute for confidence. People have a tendency to take it too far, and will get way too drunk.

So monitor you consumption, and use alcohol as a way to have fun. Not as a way to gain confidence.

You may feel confident, but you will make a fool of yourself if you stumble up to him and start slurring your words and rambling.

It’s unattractive and is sure to put a stop to you learning how to get a guy to ask you out.

15. How To Relax

relax around men

Be nervous and panicky is easily picked up on. And can make the entire encounter uncomfortable for everyone, and will make you feel helpless when learning how to get a guy to ask you out.

So when you’re talking to a guy you’re interested in, remember to take a deep breath, and slow down when talking.

This will help you get into a more calm state, and also a slow speech (just not too slow) will also draw him into you.

If that doesn’t help much, try grounding yourself.

This means putting 70% of your attention on your feet and feeling the ground beneath you. This will draw you out of your head, and put your focus elsewhere.

This will calm you down you and allow you to carry on in the encounter much more naturally.

16. Bite The Bullet and Ask

Sometimes no matter how much you learn on how to get a guy to ask you out, or how many hints you drop, or suggestions your friends gives. The man will not believe that is possible that you are interested in him.

So you will have to make a decision. You can continue waiting and hoping that he picks up on your interest and will reciprocate by asking you out.

Or you can bite the bullet, and ask him yourself. This may be uncomfortable and will open yourself up to rejection. But if you’re really interested in him, you have to decide what kind of person do you want to be?

The one who will let fear dictate their life, or the woman who is willing to take risks to get what and whom she wants?

This covers the top 16 ways on how to get a guy to ask you out.

Though if you want more than just to have him ask you out, and want a relationship, it will take more than some flirting and eye contact to build a relationship and have him as your boyfriend.

Check out the free guide below:

MORE: How To Get A Boyfriend and Keep Him

Congratulations to making to the end of this guide on how to get a guy to ask you out.

Here is quick recap of the important takeaways:

  • Make Eye Contact: Make sure to keep eye contact to let him know you are interested and engaged in the moment.
  • Be Tasteful: Don’t dress to provocatively to avoid attracting the wrong men, and intimidating the ones you want.
  • Being Witty: Being witty is a great way to show off your intelligence and humour.
  • Be Happy: No one likes a Debby Downer. Make sure be positive to make sure people enjoy being around you. Especially men.
  • Be Approachable: Keep your arms uncrossed and body language open to let men know you are open to being approached.
  • Be Confident: Keep your shoulders back, stand tall, and practice power poses to look and feel more confident.
  • Flirt: Smile, eye contact, and playing with your hair are simple ways to let him know you are interested and to build interest.
  • Explore Common Interests: Exploring common interests is a great way to build rapport and can lead to fun dates.
  • Have Friends Drop Some Hints: Have your friends suggest asking you out if he is just getting the hint.
  • Talk About Your Plans: Talking about your upcoming plans can lead to you guys hanging out when you both have free time.
  • Drop Some Hints: Don’t be afraid to drop some hints that you are enjoying the interaction. He will realise he is enjoying it also, and will be more likely to ask you out.
  • Don’t Appear Desperate: Don’t be clingy or desperate to avoid killing any interest or attraction he does have towards you.
  • Carpe Diem: Stay open and aware of the opportunities around you. Don’t become too laser focused on what you’re doing.
  • Don’t Rely On Alcohol: Don’t become too drunk to avoid making a fool of your self.
  • Relax: Take deep breaths, slow your speech, and ground yourself to the floor.
  • Bite The Bullet and Ask: Sometimes he just won’t get the hint and you will have to bite the bullet and ask him out.

How To Get A Boyfriend Fast – Simple 28 Step Guide To Getting The Man You Want Sat, 30 May 2020 18:01:13 +0000 How To Get A Boyfriend Fast – Simple 28 Step Guide To Getting The Man You Want Read More »

“I want a boyfriend so bad” is a constant thought going through millions of women’s thoughts today. After all, it is only natural, too long for someone to hold you, care for you, make you laugh, and feel a connection with.

But if you want to learn how to get a boyfriend fast, it takes more than just getting a guy to like you.

Not only do you have to get the guys attention, get his interest, but then you also have to stand out from every women who is also vying for his attention, and get him to commit to only you.

Wow! This just sounds daunting, and may even have you thinking that there is no way you can do this. Especially in this day and age of Tinder, and instagram models.

How To Get A Boyfriend Fast

If the above has you feeling down, and wondering “How the hell can I pull this off?” Don’t worry.

In this free guide I’m to show you everything from Finding the right guy, getting his attention and interest, and getting him to commit.

If you can imagine what it would feel like to have the confidence, knowledge, and skills to not only attract any man, but also have him wanting only you.

Then keep reading, and “I want a boyfriend” and “How to get a boyfriend?” will change to, “Which man do I want to be boyfriend.”

1. I Want A Boyfriend So Badly – Finding The Right Guy

How To Get A Boyfriend

Finding the right guy is the first step on your path to learning how to get a boyfriend. And sometimes can be the most daunting.

You’ll have hundreds of guys to sift through to find one, that is not only emotionally mature, but also not obsessed with today’s hook up culture.

Below you’ll find the top ten tips on finding the right guy.

1.1: Take Care Of Yourself

Before you can even think about finding a guy, you have to think about taking care of yourself first. It doesn’t matter how attractive you are, if you’re not able to add anything to a relationship, no man will want to be your boyfriend.

This may even be the most important part of how to get a boyfriend.

You’ll want to not only take care of your body, but also your mind and emotional health. This will mean exercising, eating right, having healthy hobbies and state of mind.

You don’t have to go full CrossFit freak, but try to exercise at least 1-2 hours per week. That will only account for 1% of your time for the week, so there should be no excuses.

Focus on eating healthy foods. You don’t have to go full organic, but make sure you’re getting your fruits and vegetables, drinking water, and staying away fast food and heavily processed foods whenever you can.

Next you’re going to want to limit your time on social media. There is a multitude of evidence showing the dangers of social media leads and that it leads to depression.

1.2: Build Your Confidence

how to act confident around guys

When learning how to get a boyfriend, this can be the most difficult part. Having the confidence in yourself, to not only attract a man, but also believing you’re worth loving.

Following the above steps of exercising, eating healthy, and limiting social media will help a lot with this. But you will have some more work to do.

The best way to build confidence, is to get out and do things. The more often you’re out and about, and socialising, the more confident you will naturally be. So start talking with and engaging every one you can. The check out clerk, customer service agent, the gas pump attendee. As you get practice in situations where the outcome isn’t very important, when you do find a guy you want to attract, you will find that you don’t even have to think of what to do. This will come off as naturally confident and sexy.

This is a very in-depth topic, so for a more complete guide, follow the link below.

MORE: 21 Proven Strategies To Be Confident Around Men

1.3: Figure Out What You Want

Just saying “I want a boyfriend” won’t get you very far. You’re opening up the possibility of dating just any guy you meet.

If you really want to know how to get a boyfriend, then focus on what you want.

Identify the things that are deal breakers, learn red flags and how to avoid them. This will allow to quickly sift and discard the ones who will bring you down in life, and be a toxic relationship.

Next, what kind of guy do you want? Do you want a business man, outdoorsy man, artist? Knowing this will let you narrow the list down even farther, and also help you come up with ideas of where to meet men.

Finally, have an idea of where you want to go in life. The point of any relationship, should be long term mutual growth. So if you want to move to LA, and you’re talking someone who wants to stay in his small home town next to family. Well this is probably not going to work, as this is going to require a large compromise, and possibly resentment down the line.

1.4: Be Outgoing

be active to get his interest

I’m an introvert and pretty shy, and this is one of the hardest things for me.

Being outgoing and active, doesn’t mean going to bars and clubs every weekend.

You can keep it simple, and do things that are less fast paced. So some of the things I’ve enjoyed doing are: going on bike tours, doing a wine and painting class, spin class, hiking groups.

Groups like these are very calm, inviting, and allowed me to feel more comfortable and meet some great people.

So find some things you are interested in, and look for meet-up groups, classes, or something that will get you out in a group in a setting you’re comfortable in. This will also help with your confidence which is critical if you want know how to get a boyfriend fast.

1.5: Ask Your Friends For Help

Nothing wrong with asking for a little help on how to get a boyfriend. Your friends are also living their own lives, work different jobs, and just may know someone that will make a great fit.

Though a blind date can be a bit intimidating, and awkward. So you guys can do a group activity like going to a fair, bowling, or some other group activity. You’ll be with friends and feel more comfortable, and get the chance to meet him in a more comfortable setting.

1.6: Socialize

This goes hand in hand with being outgoing. But doing new things, and joining new groups, does little if you just stand in a corner avoiding everyone.

So when you’re out and about, don’t be afraid to the make the first move. All it takes sometimes is a friendly smile and simple hello. It’s very non threatening, and most people are open to new social interactions. It’s in our nature, and is probably why they’re also out and about.

MORE: How To Let Him Know You’re Interested

1.7: Use Social Media

Even though I mentioned you should limit your social media time, it can also be a great way to comfortably introduce yourself to someone.

If a post of a guy you find attractive shows up on your feed, it is an innocent and easy way of starting a conversation.

If he posts a picture of picturesque hike, or fun activity he is doing. Don’t be afraid to comment or send him a message. It can be as simple as, “Hey I saw your recent hike, it looked gorgeous! I’ve been looking for new places to explore, mind if I ask where it is?”

As you guys start interacting with each others posts, you still start appearing in his timeline more often. This is a great way to make a man desire you. Just think about your posts, and what they are saying, and if it will push him away, or pull him towards you.

This also opens the conversation, and can quickly lead to meeting up, and exploring a relationship. A simple technique on how to get a boyfriend, that doesn’t require leaving your comfort zone too much.

1.8: Online Dating

I want a boyfriend so bad

Although this ripe with men obsessed with the hookup culture. You’ll also find the men who are also shy and looking for a real relationship.

So take some time in crafting your profile to eliminate the one night standers. And don’t feel bad for quickly blocking the ones who are.

It may take some time, but if you one with sifting through everyone, you can find good catches on here.

Some examples are:
Bumble – great because it lets you send the first message, so you won’t be bombarded by filth.
Plenty of Fish

This isn’t my favourite way on how to get a boyfriend, but for someone who is constantly on the go, it can provide some great opportunities.

1.9: Make Sure He Is Not In A Relationship

After you followed the advice above, and identified someone you may want to make your boyfriend. You will need to find out if he is in a relationship.

Doesn’t matter how many tips and strategies you read on how to get a boyfriend, if a man is in a relationship. You probably won’t be successful in making him yours.

If he cheats with you, you’ll constantly be thinking that he is a cheater in the back of your mind. And he can also string you along for a side piece, while saying he just needs more time.

So check his social media for clues, or ask friends or friends of friends. Or if you’re feeling bold, you can ask him what his status is.

1.10: Find Out What Other People Think Of Him

So you found out he is single. Now you want to know if he is worth learning how to get a boyfriend, and making him yours.

You can scroll through his social media, see what kind of posts he is sharing, and updates he posts.

Ask friends and friends of friends what they know about him.

Or you can immediately start the conversation and getting to know him. Just make sure to pay attention to his actions and not words. Anyone can sound good, but his actions will show you who he truly is.

How does he treat the checkout clerks, the store associates, the waiter?

2. Making A Connection – How To Get A Boyfriend Fast

how to get a boyfriend fast

In your journey of learning how to get a boyfriend fast, you’re going to have to learn how to not only get his attention and interest, but move towards building a real connection. That connection is what will lead to a relationship.

Below are the top 10 tips on building a connection.

2.1: Don’t Be Afraid To Make The First Move

Remember, men are also terrified of approaching a woman and making the first move. So while you’re having self doubts and wondering why guys don’t approach me, they also have doubts about whether you’ll find him interesting, if all he will do is bother you, and what nasty ways you can reject him. Even though almost every encounter is pleasant, even in rejection.

Something to take important note of, is that men who do approach you and are smooth, can also be the biggest players you will meet. They will have no intention of building a lasting relationship.

Sometimes making the first move is going to be your best choice. Knowing how to approach a guy is important. A friendly smile, and simple hello is all it really takes. No one really remembers how a conversation starts, just whether they enjoyed the encounter or not. So don’t be afraid to make the first move.

MORE: How To Get A Guy To Ask You Out

2.2: Use Body Language

Body language makes up 55% of our communication, so knowing what your body is saying and communicating is a vital part of how to get a boyfriend.

Luckily it doesn’t take much.

A friendly smile and eye contact will go a long way.

Make sure your belly button is facing him, this shows that you’re interested in him, and aren’t looking for a way out.

Some friendly touches of the arm, and twirling of the hair are also simple moves that show interest, and will capture his attention and interest.

Body language is also a pretty in-depth topic, so follow the link below for my free guide on how to use body language to attract men.

MORE: How To Use Body Language To Attract Men

2.3: Try Flirting

seductive touches

Flirting is a natural way to not only indicate interest, but to also build interest.

I mentioned some of these tips earlier: twirling the hair, some light touches to his arm or knees.

You can also pull your hair to one side, exposing your neck. A sign of trust and vulnerability, and the neck is something men find very attractive.

You can also lightly graze your finger down your own neck, or chest. This is a suggestive move that is guaranteed to get his mind racing.

2.4: Start A Conversation

This goes hand in hand with making the first move. And any chance of learning how to get a boyfriend, you’re going to have to know how to start a conversation and hold a conversation.

I mentioned a simple hello and smile is all it takes. But if you’re looking for something less direct. You can easily mention something that is going on around you.

If you’re waiting at a crosswalk, you can innocently say or ask, “Ever just have one of those days where it seems like you catch every light and wait?”

It’s something everyone has experienced, and is a natural way to start a conversation. Remember, no one remembers how it started, just rather they enjoyed the encounter or not.

Or if you want something more direct, you can go directly for a compliment.

2.5: Find Common Ground

Remember when I mentioned about finding out what you want in life?

Finding common ground is a great way to build comfort and interest in each other. Finding a common soul is an exciting experience, and can lead to a great relationship.

After all, when learning how to get a boyfriend, you don’t want to start dating someone who is totally incompatible. So find some common interests and ground, and this will lead to a solid foundation for a relationship and mutual growth.

MORE: 11 Phrases to Build Attraction and Interest

2.6: How To Get A Guy’s Number

Now you’ve started the conversation, built interest, but eventually you guys are going to have to part ways.

So it’s time to get the number. Most of the time it is really simple, and if you’ve done everything above, all you have to say is, “Let’s exchange numbers.” It’s better to say let’s do it, then to ask for the number.

Or you can say, “It’s been fun meeting you, how can we continue this?” More times than not, he will suggest exchanging numbers.

If you don’t feel right asking for the number, suggest social media. Adding him as a friend also allows for free messaging, and is much less intrusive than asking for a number.

2.7: How To Text A Guy

I want a boyfriend so badly

Now that you’ve gotten the phone number, what you do next is critical on how to get a boyfriend.

The point of the phone and texting, should be to set up dates, and explore some common interests on the surface. You don’t want to go to in depth over the phone, because you want to have more to explore while actually on a date.

Although constantly texting each other feels great at first, it can be detrimental in how to get a boyfriend.

So don’t overdue it, and focus on setting up dates to avoid ruining interest by texting.

2.8: Going On Dates

This is a make it or break it moment on how to get a boyfriend. I’m not entirely sure why, but once it becomes a date, things can get much more awkward versus a casual conversation you used to get the number.

For this reason, I like to avoid dates that exclusively rely on conversation, and prefer to do some sort of activity that will allow both parties to loosen up and have fun. This is also much better for building attraction, having fun together.

NOTE: for first dates from online dating, I prefer coffee dates. Online personas can be much different than real life. Nothing is worse than being stuck on an awkward date for hours. Coffee shops allow the option to quickly end things and get out, as there is minimal money and time invested in it.

2.9: Relationships Are Two Way Streets

Remember, relationships are two way streets. And if you want to know how to get a boyfriend, and make it last.

Don’t focus on exclusively what you want and what your goals are. Relationships are meant to be a journey of mutual growth, where you guys bring out the best in each other.

So make sure to spend time on him also, but don’t make him your sole focus. Don’t give up on your plans either!

2.10: Find Out What He Wants

I want a boyfriend

This can be an uncomfortable conversation, as it can end things quickly. No matter how well you did at screening, you will find great men who just aren’t prepared for a relationship.

So find out he is ready to commit to something, or is he just dating around? There is no easy way to do this, and I’ve found the best way is to tackle it head on. Avoid dancing around the bush on topic.

It would be disappointing to focus all this time on how to get a boyfriend, only find out the guy you thought you had, ended up having no interest in being a boyfriend.

3. Building A Relationship – How To Get A Boyfriend And Keep Him

You’ve followed all the steps above, and you’ve decided to explore a relationship with him. You’ve learnt how to get a boyfriend, now you want to know how to keep him, and keep the relationship strong.

Below are the best 8 tips on how to get a boyfriend and keep him.

3.1: Have Fun Together

I’ve mentioned this several times before in how to get a boyfriend; a relationship should be about mutual growth. This means new experiences and having fun with each other.

One thing I’ve enjoyed doing, is have a jar of things we want to do or try. And once a week, we pull a suggestion from the jar, and we plan to do that activity for the week.

You can do it more often, or less depending on your schedule.

3.2: Respect Each Other

Any couple are going to have their ups and downs, and their disagreements.

But learning to respect each others differences and learning how to communicate and deal with them is fundamental in a healthy relationship.

So if you find things are getting heated, don’t be afraid to suggest a quick walk or break, to cool down and come back and discuss them.

Whatever you do, it is important to come to an understanding before going to bed. You do not want to go to bed being mad at each other. This is just a breeding ground for resentment.

3.3: Focus On Mutual Growth

This is the most important part of any relationship I believe. You guys should discuss your goals, ambitions, and where you would like to head in life.

Not only is this important for success in a long term relationship, but will also help identify where you can help each other, and grow.

On any goal, people are going to stumble, have self doubts and want to give up. But having someone to fall back on, to encourage them, to support them, and believe in them is going to help catapult them to success.

And knowing you can rely on someone in tough times is going to help build unwavering commitment.

3.4: Show Your Independence

get his attention

You have your own ambitions and goals, and he should now be the centre of your world. Do not be afraid to spend time on yourself, hanging out with your friends, or just enjoying some time apart.

Having the trust and ability to spend time apart in a healthy manner is a foundation of a healthy relationship, and will make your time together that much more valuable.

If he is not ok with your independence, and wishes to control your time and actions, get out. This is a huge red flag, and no matter how great or attractive he is, this will only lead to long term feelings of uselessness and depression.

3.5: Encourage His Independence

Just as you are expecting him to encourage your independence, you should encourage him to be independent also. You don’t want a boyfriend where you are the center of his world.

It may sound romantic, but this can be disastrous. Long term, it will be incredibly annoying having someone who does not have a mind of their own, and lives for you.

This will also make a break up, if it does happen, much more difficult for him. This is because he has spent so much time focusing on you, he no longer has a life of his own, and he will have no idea what to do you.

This can lead to stalkerish behaviour, and harassing you for attention.

3.6: Don’t Be Clingy

There is no need to be texting him every second of every day. To get an update on every aspect of his life.

It’s alright if he doesn’t respond right away. Having the confidence and trust in your relationship is paramount in having a successful relationship.

3.7: Don’t Play Too Hard To Get

Just as you don’t want to be too clingy, you also don’t want to play games and play too hard to get. This can easily back fire, and lead him to believe you aren’t interested, and he will move on.

3.8: Demanding Commitment

seducing him with body language

After everything we’ve covered on how to get a boyfriend fast, the best way to keep him is demanding commitment early on.

This can be as simple as saying that you don’t have sex outside of relationships.

This will show that you have values and self-respect, and he will respect you for it.

You’ve decided what you want, and you shouldn’t have to compromise your values to get him interested.

We’ve covered a lot on how to get a boyfriend.

Here are the important key take aways.

  • Take Care of Yourself: Try to incorporate an exercise routine. Eat healthy. And pick up new hobbies and interest.
  • Build Your Confidence: Practice your social skills with anyone you meet, so when you do find a guy you like, you’ll know what to do.
  • Figure Out What You Want: Finding out what you want will help you sift through incompatible suitors.
  • Be Outgoing: Try new things and join new groups, and be one the start interactions.
  • Ask Your Friends For Help: Don’t be afraid to ask friends if they know anyone interesting.
  • Socialize: Whenever you’re out, don’t hesitate to take the opportunity meet new people.
  • Use Social Media: Messaging interesting guys on social media is a quick and easy way to start a conversation and see if there is something to explore.
  • Online Dating: If you’re busy, or don’t mind sifting through the hook up culture; you can meet some really great guys online.
  • Make Sure He Is Not In A Relationship: If you have your eye on someone, make sure they’re not taken before going any farther.
  • Find Out What Other People Think Of Him: Finding out how he is when he’s not trying to show is best self is a great way to find out if he is someone you should consider further.
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Make The First Move: Men are also scared to approach women, and the one’s that aren’t, are often players. So don’t be afraid to make the first move.
  • Use Body Language: Making eye contact, and opening body language will let him know you are interested.
  • Try Flirting: Some playful touches, and twirling of the hair are great ways to get his interest and attention.
  • Start A Conversation: Know not only how to start a conversation if you need too, but also how to hold one to build attraction.
  • Find Common Ground: Finding common interests is a great way to build attraction, and can make for fun dates.
  • Getting The Number: Getting the number is the easiest part, and usually just requires asking. Nothing complicated about this.
  • Texting And Using The Phone: Don’t become texting buddies. Make sure to use the phone to set up dates.
  • Going On Dates: Try to avoid conversation only dates, unless its a first date from online.
  • Relationships Are Two Way Streets: Relationships are a two way street and requires equal focus on both people in the relationship.
  • Find Out What He Wants: Find out if he is open to a relationship, or if he just wants to date. Do this early on.
  • Have Fun Together: Try to do something new or fun at least once a week.
  • Respect Each Other: Respect each other’s differences, and don’t try to change him too much.
  • Focus On Mutual Growth: Help each other to accomplish goals to build a strong relationship and a deep level of commitment.
  • Show Your Independence: Don’t make him the centre of your universe.
  • Encourage His Independence: Don’t let him make you the centre of his universe.
  • Don’t Be Clingy: Not being in constant contact is ok!
  • Don’t Play Too Hard To Get: Don’t play games or your might send him the wrong signals and he will move on.
  • Demanding Commitment: Make sure he knows you want a relationship, and that you’re not going to compromise on it.

How To Seduce A Man With Your Body Language – 17 Sexy Ways To Get His Attention Fri, 29 May 2020 22:42:03 +0000 How To Seduce A Man With Your Body Language – 17 Sexy Ways To Get His Attention Read More »

Body language, it turns out, makes up the bulk of how we communicate. While it’s debated among experts, many believe this is the breakdown of how we communicate:

Body language: 55%
Tone of voice: 38%
Words spoken: 7%

This is why you need to learn how to seduce a man with your body language. It makes up the bulk of our communication, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can easily kill any chance of getting him to like you!

How To Seduce A Man With Your Body Language

Not many people are familiar in how important body language is, or how we are constantly sending subconscious signals to the people around us.

Are you crossing you arms while looking away?
Are your feet pointed away from the person?
Are your lips pursed and brows furrowed?
Are you fake smiling, or actually smiling?

All of these, and much more are sending very important signs to the people around you, and you may not even realise it!

In order to learn how to seduce a man with your body language, you need to know how to control your body, and what it is saying.

Below you will find our free guide on how to master your body language and seduce him!

1. Smile To Get His Interest

how to seduce a man with your body language
Notice the crinkles in her eyes. A Sign of a real smile.

Not many people know this, but when we are smiling for real, we smile with our eyes. During a real smile, the corners of our eyes crinkle. Though we rarely consciously pick up on this, people can subconsciously tell that the smile is fake.

Thank of the flight attendants smiling as you walk onto the plane, its pleasant, but you can also pick up on the fact that they’re not actually happy to see you.

Or store greeter? The customer service counter?

Now think of a time when you someone’s smile lit you up, or improved your mood. This is what a real smile feels like to other person.

So if you need to, think of something that actually makes you smile, and let your smile shine and seduce him!

2. Aim Your Belly Button To Seduce Him

This is another move that we often don’t think about, but when we are interested in someone we tend to point our whole body at them.

Think of the times you’ve been out, and you’ve seen men talking to a woman. The woman has her shoulders to the man, and may be even looking the other way, searching for a way out. You can instinctively notice that she is not interested, and wants out.

Now think of the times when you’ve seen the woman turning her entire body towards, along with a few other signs, you can tell that she is interested and engaged.

So even if your head is turned the other way, make sure your belly button is facing towards him.

This is a key point in learning how to seduce a man with your body language.

3. Touch Him – Get His Mind Racing

seductive touches

This is a simple and natural way to show him you are interested, and to get him to return the feelings.

You don’t have to be obvious, and constantly rubbing his chest, or running your hands through his hair.

But a couple of slight touches of him arm, with a smile. A slight grazing of the knees.

This is all you need to spark the interest and seduce him.

MORE: 21 Simple And Subtle Ways To Let Him Know You Like Him

4. Avoid Crossing Your Arms

This is a signal you want to absolutely avoid when learning how to seduce a man with your body language.

It can mean multiple things.

That you are uncomfortable and trying to retreat from the situation.

That you’re not confident in anything you’re doing.

Or that you’re in a bad mood, or want nothing to do with him or others around you.

None of these are what you want when you’re trying to seduce him!

Even you’re not feeling anything of these things, and it is just comfortable. Try to make a conscious effort to keep your arms uncrossed.

5. Use A Power Pose

Sexy power pose to seduce him

Amy Cuddy launched the power pose in a Ted Talk. They found that when you have a power pose, you feel more confident and perform better in anything you’re doing.

Think of Wonder Woman, or other confident women you know and their posture. Think hands on hips, and shoulders back standing tall.

You will feel better and more confident, and that will show to him!

6. Lock Eyes With Him…Then Lower Your Eyelids

Eye contact is extremely sexy, and is instrumental in learning how to seduce a man with your body language.

Think of time where you were really interested and engaged with a man. You were probably both staring deeply into each others eyes, hanging onto everything you guys were saying.

So don’t be shy about locking eyes and maintaining eye contact

Afterwards you can even lower them a little, and parting your lips slightly. This is a sign, showing him that the temperature is rising between you two and can indicate sexual submissiveness. Getting him in that frame of mind and creating desire.

8. Make The Most of Your lips

A very versatile tool when it comes to how to seduce a man with your body language.

Play around with lipstick, as different colours communicate different things. For example, red communicates passion. Find what you’re comfortable with, and play around with them!

As I mentioned earlier, you can also slightly part the lips.

Or try biting your lower lip, or licking your lips. All very sexy to men, and will get his blood rising.

8. Play With Your Hair

Playing with your hair is a clear sign of your intent, and men love it, and will keep his interests focused on you.

Pull it all over one shoulder
Toss it back
Twirl it around in your fingers
Put it up in front of him

Just remember to do this in a natural manner, and don’t overdue it. If you’re constantly throwing your hair back and messing with it, you will look distracted and awkward.

9. Facial Expressions

seducing him with body language

Our faces are much more expressive and communicative than our voices. In fact, we make over 25,000 expressions a day!

So start off with an occasional nod, and small smile. This lets him know you’re focused on him and listening.

Then you can tilt your head to one side slightly, exposing your neck. This communicates trust and vulnerability. Both sexy attributes to a man!

10. Lean in Toward Him…And Away

When you’re interested and engaged, we naturally lean in towards someone. The opposite is also true. When we lean away from someone, it is signalling disinterest.

Both can be used to seduce a man.

Leaning in can reward him with your interest.

Though if he says something, or does something you don’t like. You can lean away, taking your presence and interest with you.

This will leave him scrambling to try to get you back.

This is a simple and powerful tool on how to seduce a man with your body language. So play around with it, and have fun!

11. Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Your Best

flirty tips for girls

The best tip to give on how to seduce a man with your body language, is to wear what is comfortable.

You don’t always have to dress super sexy, especially if it makes you uncomfortable.

You will be your best, and sexiest, when you are comfortable are able to combine all of these tips in learning how to seduce a man with your body language.

Plus, showing off too much, can be a turn off to a guy. You want to get him wondering, what is underneath the clothes? Get his blood rising, and thinking of you.

So take some time, and find the outfits that you feel most comfortable in, and how you can use them to seduce a man.

Remember, feeling comfortable is the most important part.

MORE: How To Be Confident With Men

12. Live In The Moment

While combining all of these tips on how to seduce a man with your body language.

It’s important to not solely focus on your body language, and what he is doing also. His body language.

Men are different, and will respond to differently to different things.

So make sure you’re paying attention to what his body is saying, and adapt accordingly.

Does he have his belly button at you? Is his feet pointing towards or away from you? Is his smile real or fake? Is he maintaining eye contact, or is he looking for more interesting opportunities around him?

All important things to consider, and you may have to adapt what you’re doing to get his attention back on you.

MORE: 11 Phrases To Seduce Him

13. Using Your Hands

Touching your neck - seductive body language

Just as I mentioned earlier, in lightly touching him. You can also lightly various parts of your body. This can be incredibly powerful on how to seduce a man with your body language.

You slightly run your hands down your face, neck, chest, arms, or leg.

This can convey that:

  1. I want you to do this to me
  2. I want to do this to you.

Either way, this will be sexy, and it’s going to get his mind racing, and focused on you.

14. Get In The Middle Of The Pack

get his attention

The point of learning how to seduce a man with your body language, is to get his attention on you.

Well, if you’re with a group of friends, how do you get his attention to focus on you at first?

Simple. Be in the middle of your friends.

Peoples attention are naturally drawn to the center of the pack. So if you find yourself on the outskirt, slowly work your way to the middle. This will let him know that you are the center, and his attention needs to be focused on you.

After that, you can combine all the other tips in this guide on how to seduce a man with your body language, and make him yours.

MORE: 16 Ways To Get Him To Ask You Out

15. Get A Warm Drink

This isn’t exactly on point with how to seduce a man with your body language. Though, it is an interesting way to stay at the top of your game.

This is called embodied cognition. Where your mental state affects your reality and actions.

Research shows that if you’re holding a warm drink, your able to focus on the things around you.

Vice versa, if you’re holding a cold drink, you can lose the ability to be aware of the things around you. And miss critical information that will allow you seduce the man you want.

16. Be Active

be active to get his interest

May be unusual but it’s completely true – Men find active women amazingly attractive. In fact, dating experts agree that a woman who likes to dance, chat and mingle at social gatherings rarely has to worry about how to seduce him, regardless of whom “him” might refer to. They also suggest changing place or position every half an hour which means that you shouldn’t be sitting all the time, just like your shouldn’t allow yourself to dance or spend the whole evening chatting with others thus making yourself unavailable for him.

You have no problem flirting with the object of your affections, but when it comes to saying, “hey, I find you incredibly hot. Would you like to hop in the sack?” well, frankly the idea petrifies you.

17. Show Some Skin

Now, if you thought that learning how to seduce a man with your body language will have anything to do with dressing like an exotic dancer, you’re certainly on the wrong track because one of the sexiest body parts of every woman is…. (drum roll)… her neck (oh, and let’s not forget the shoulders either)! And here’s how to seduce him without a plunging neckline: twirl that afore mentioned lock around your finger then gently run your fingers over your neck or shoulder. This seductive move will make him focus all of his attention to the place you’re touching and make him wish he could do the same.

Now, I don’t want to overwhelm you with tips on how to seduce a man with your body language. These 17 bulletproof tips should be more than enough on getting the man you want interested in you.

MORE: Making Him Your Boyfriend

Heres a quick recap of the important takeaways:

  • Smile: Remember a real smile is with eyes, and it is noticeable and you can feel the difference. So don’t overdue the fake smiles’ and send him the wrong signals.
  • Aim The Belly Button: We naturally point our belly button and our desired interest. Whether its at him, or away from him. So if you’re trying to seduce him, make sure to keep your belly button at him.
  • Touch Him: Some light touches of the arm. Or some slight grazing of the knees is all it takes to get his mind racing.
  • Don’t Cross Your Arms: This sends multiple messages, all that you are not interested and unavailable. So keep your arms uncrossed.
  • Power Pose: Keep your shoulders back, and stand tall. A Wide stance, and shoulders on hips will get you feeling more confident and powerful, and will let him know it.
  • Lock Eyes: When we are really interested, we keep our eyes locked and attention focused.
  • Use Your Lips: Play around with different shades of lipsticks. Bite your lower lip, and lick your lips. Just don’t overdue it.
  • Play With Your Hair: Draping it over one side, or twirling it in your fingers. All clear signs of your interest, and will keep his.
  • Lean In and Out: Leaning in shows interest, while leaning away shows the opposite. Reward him with your interest, or pull away to keep him guessing and chasing.
  • Facial Expression: We make 25,000 expressions a day. Beware of what you’re communicating with yours.
  • Dress Comfortably: You will be your best when your comfortable, and not showing too much skin will keep him thinking of what all you have to offer.
  • Live In The Moment: Remember to be aware of his body language, and adapt yours if you need to.
  • Touching Yourself: Lightly graze your neck or chest to be suggestive and get him thinking of what you want to do to him, and what he wants to do to you.
  • Get in The Middle: Being in the middle of the pack will naturally turn his focus to you, and let him know you’re the one he needs to focus on.
  • Hold A Warm Drink: This will let you keep your focus on your surroundings, and his body language and cues. This lets you know if you need to adapt or change your strategy.
  • Be Active: Dance, mingle, and change locations often. Men are naturally attracted to active females, and it is incredibly sexy.
  • Show Some Skin: Neck and shoulders are incredibly sexy body parts, so don’t forget to show some of it off.

We have covered the most important parts on how to seduce a man with your body language.

Did you find it helpful? What was your favourite tip?

Let me know in the comments!

How To Be Confident Around Guys: 21 Proven Strategies Tue, 26 May 2020 00:12:31 +0000 How To Be Confident Around Guys: 21 Proven Strategies Read More »

What would it mean to you, if you knew you were able to go anywhere, and know that you wouldn’t start to self implode the moment an attractive guy shows?

If you knew how to be confident around guys, and that confidence would not only attract men, but also draw them towards you. Can you imagine how your life will change?

Though, right now that probably seems like an alternate universe, and this sounds so more familiar

  • Your hearts starts racing.
  • Your mind starts racing with things to say, but you can’t come up with anything
  • You feel your shoulders start to slump, and all you want to do is shrink is and disappear.

You feel like you should just go ahead and give up and retire into your role as the single shy wall flower.

But it doesn’t have to be this way:

The secret to how to be confident around guys you like is just a few scrolls away.

Below you’ll find the free guide with 21 bulletproof tips on how to be confident around guys.


The first step to learning how to be confidence, is to realise that confidence is a myth. Confidence is the lack of fear, and unless you’re a sociopath. You will never be 100% confidence, and anyone who promises you that, is not being entirely truthful.

What this guide is going to teach you is how to fail your way to success.

And it is important to realise, YOU WILL FAIL AT FIRST.

But if you follow the steps in this guide, you will start to notice that you are carrying yourself differently. You will see that people will start to notice you, and some may even start to compliment you.

So keep reading to learn the 21 bulletproof tips on how to be confident around guys you like.


attracting a man

Be yourself is the most overrated and useless advice anyone can give you when you’re trying to learn how to be confident around guys you like. Currently “yourself” is this person that doesn’t know what to do.

But everyone has a situation in their life, where they are proud of how they handled themselves and how they acted. Where they knew what to do, and did it flawlessly.

If you can tap into that person, and that feeling of where you know what you are doing, you will feel the difference. And you will start to feel the difference.

If you are struggling to find this, then think of someone you look up to. It can be a fictional character, or someone you know. Then just think of what that person would do. How they would carry themselves, and what they will see.

Start in small situations in this. Like at the local coffee shop, during the checkout. As you practice you’ll find it will start coming easier and more natural to you.

Remember, you are practicing to learn, not to avoid mistakes. You will make mistakes, but they are learning opportunities. The more you learn, the better you will be.


dating tips for girls
Tourists couple travel in Havana, Cuba having fun. Young multiracial happy couple on backpacking vaction standing on Plaza de la Catedral, Old Havana.

This the most important step of: “How To Be Confident Around Guys.” It is impossible to be in a good mood, and be your best self if you are running your body into the ground. Everything you do to your body is a reflection of how you view yourself. If you want others to be drawn to you, it is important that you take care of yourself. Here are some simple steps to take care of yourself.

  • Make Sleep Routine and Get Plenty of It.
  • Take Care of Your Digestive System
  • Exercise Daily – Even If Only For 20 Minutes
  • Say No To Others, and Yes to Self-Care
  • Take A Self-Care Trip To Rejuvenate Yourself
  • Get Outside
  • Let A Pet Help You
  • Get Organised 
  • Cook For Yourself
  • Eat Right
  • Read More Often
  • Schedule YOU Time


awkward conversation destroy attraction

There is no doubt about it, being able to hold a conversation is a skill. Nothing turns a person away farther, then if you can’t hold a conversation.

True, you may be shy, and not much of a talker. But if all you do is stare at the person talking, they’re going to feel uncomfortable. And it gives them the impression you want nothing to do with them. Even if that is the farthest thing from the truth.

Like everything else here, this is going to take practice. So practice with everyone. The checkout clerk, the waiter, the bus driver, the Uber or Lyft driver.

It doesn’t take much to be a good conversationalist. The most important part is how the person feels. If you can make them feel important and heard without judging them, then they’ll remember you as someone they felt good being around. And that is all that matters.

Pretty soon you’ll have no problem with knowing how to talk to a cute guy.

More simple tips:

  • Look For Conversational Starters: Clothes, Car, Or Anything That Shows Their Interests
  • Ask Them Questions, and Listen
  • Don’t Judge Or Try To Debate
  • Show Them You’re Listening
  • Don’t Try To “Out Experience” Them
  • Look For Clues If A Topic Is Uncomfortable Or If They’re Done Talking
  • Be Honest: Insincerity Shows

Remember, if you are not use to holding many conversations, this will be tough at first. But remember, practice to learn how to be confident around guys you like.

If you want more tips on specifically want to say, check out my free guide below.

MORE: Seducing Him With Words – 11 Proven Phrases To Get Him


active listenting

There is nothing more frustrating or annoying when then when you can tell a person isn’t listening to a word you’re saying. It really leaves a bad impression with the person, and as I’ve mentioned earlier. The most important part of being a good conversationalist, is how the person feels when they leave.

And if you’re not listening to them, they’re going to leave feeling unimportant and not wanting to talk to you again.

Though sometimes that is exactly what we want, remember we have to practice. If you really want to know how to be confident around guys you like, it’s important that you learn how to make them feel good around you.

I know it can be hard, especially if you struggle finding things to say. It’s not that you don’t want to listen to them, it’s that you want to be able to contribute to the conversation, and show that you’re interesting.

Here are some simple things you can do to show that you are listening. Just simply nod your head, and give a little “mhmm” to show that you’re hearing and understanding what they’re saying.

Now you may be thinking, “But how am I going to keep the conversation going? What do I say?”

This is also really simple. All you have to be is genuinely curious about the person or what they’re saying. Just think of a time where you wanted to know more about something. Did you have any problems coming up with questions to ask, or things to say because you were trying to understand better?

Most likely not, and the same will hold true here. Just listen, and try to genuinely care about what is going on. It will show.

MORE: How To Show A Guy You Like Him


dress for success and confidence

When learning how to be confident around guys you like, it seems to make sense that if you look good, you’ll feel good, and you’ll feel more confident.

Although partly true, it can also back fire. If what you are struggling with is how to be confident around guys, and you dress incredibly sexy, and you’re getting all this attention and you’re uncomfortable. Well that’s not going to work building your confidence, but will just serve as further proof to yourself, that you are not confident.

Also, if you’re not comfortable looking sexy in a group setting, then you’re already starting off uncomfortable and setting yourself up for failure. Not to mention how uncomfortable some outfits can be! So, if all you can think about is going home and switching to sweatpants and Netflix, you’re not going to have a productive outing.

Now I’m not saying, don’t dress attractively, or to go around in sweatpants. There are plenty of cute and attractive outfits that are comfortable, that will just be as effective in getting a man to desire you.

So, just make sure you’re dressing in a manner you’re comfortable with, and not something you’re dying to get out of.


how to act confident around guys

Finding things you have done that you are proud of yourself for will be a huge boost to your self esteem when you’re learning how to be confident around guys you like.

I’m not saying go around bragging about yourself and how amazing you are. No one likes a braggart.

But have you ever listened to someone speak when they are excited or proud of something, and they’re getting really into it. You feel happy for them, they feel happy, and everyone feels good.

When you have things you can say that you’re doing, and that you’re proud of. It not only shows that you have self-esteem, but that you also have ambitions and are trying to accomplish things.

And it can be however small, it is just how you present it.

It’s a simple formula: Small thing, how it correlates with an interest, how it fits in with a larger plan.

Here’s an example:

“I know I’ve only started exercising for a week, being consistent with it is something I’ve always struggled with. Though I’m beginning to see that it’s harder to do by yourself, so something I want to learn to do is to blog and instagram. To learn what works and what doesn’t. What is fluff and what isn’t. Not to be this ridiculously gorgeous instagram model with filters galore. But just me, the normal person who is trying to live healthier and get in shape, and look better. And hopefully create a small community where we can support and encourage each other.”

Can you see how that sounds better, and will have the guy nodding his head in agreement, and impressed that you have a goal or ambition. A simple step in mastering how to be confident around guys you like.

Try to think of some of things you’re doing in life, and how you can be proud of it. It’s not where you are, it’s where you want to go.


dating advice for women

Now I’m not talking about grounding yourself and sending yourself to your room.

But this is a really simple tip, for whenever you start to feel nervous, or getting too much in your head.

All you have to do when you start to feel that way, is put 70% of your attention into your feet on the ground. That’s all you have to do. Just feel your feet on the ground and focus most of your attention on that.

You’re really going to just have to try it to believe how helpful this is! Being able to get out of your head, and calm yourself is one of the most important parts of learning how to be confident around guys you like.

Doing this will not only calm you down, but also let you get back into the game of actively listening and participating in the conversation. It will also make your guy feel more comfortable. Have you ever been around a visibly nervous person, it makes you nervous too!

Try it and let me know how it goes.


Your heart may just dropped when I said this. But you can relax, these are the easiest and simplest ways to flirt. They require almost no skill on your part.

First you want to make sure you maintain eye contact (not obssevilee, look away every now and then), and smile. This shows the guy that your in the moment, and interested in what he is saying.

Secondly, actively listen. Be genuinely curious. This ties in with the first one, but these two are the most important parts of beginning to flirt.

Next, throw in some playful touches. Just a touch on the arm or shoulder when something funny is said or happens. Just make sure to look down or away when touching the arm. It can be awkward or sending a signal you may not want to send just yet!

Finally, play with your hair. Every man knows this is a universal signal for flirting for a woman. And it is extremely simple. Just twirling your hair, pulling your back behind your shoulder will be a clear signal.

Something More Advanced:

Teasing him. You may want to hold off on this for now, but if you feel comfortable you can throw a couple jokes at his expense. Learning how to do this takes some time, as you don’t want to go too far and have your man interpret as you’re not interested.

So if you can practice these simple tips, it will go a long way in building your confidence around men.

MORE: Using Your Body Language To Seduce Him


confidence attracts guy

Having a simple mantra is a fun and effective method on your journey on how how to be confident around guys you like. All it is, is a simple line that gets you back into the right mindset and mood.

This is a tip from Mark Divine, a former Navy SEAL. He teaches this method in his book, Unbeatable Mind.

Whenever he was feeling defeated during the intense training, he would say to himself, “Feeling good, looking good. Oughta be in Hollywood.”

It’s just a simple line that got him back in a good mood, and to reassure himself. It’s what worked for him.

So come up with a mantra and see how it works for you. Post some of your mantras in the comments below!


This is not only an important tip on how to be confident around guys you like, but also just life in general. There is a solid correlation between your posture and your mood.

Watch this Ted Talk below just to find out how important this is!

MORE: How To Get A Boy To Ask You Out


I’ve mentioned this briefly in another tip, but wanted to expand on it some more here.

For this tip on how to be more confident around guys, I want you to channel Beyoncé or any other celebrity that you think is uber confident. Then ask yourself:


What would Beyoncé do on this date? Would she cross her arms and try to make herself small or sit up straight with her shoulders back and look this man in the eye?

Would she cower when he gives her a compliment or smile and say, thanks! I know!

Sometimes you’ve got to fake confidence until you feel it. The good news is that others have no idea that you’re faking it. You can totally fool them into thinking that you are one badass Sexy Confident lady. And something interesting will happen after you fake it a while…you’ll start to believe that too!


overcoming past for confidence

Unfortunately, we can’t actually time travel and go back in time. Though can you imagine! What would you tell yourself?

This is a simple nlp technique called: Movie Music.

4 Simple Steps:

  1. Watch a movie of a problem situation you have. Just play it back in your mind. Any situation that you were embarrassed or had difficulty with.
  2. Select Theme Music. Select music that mismatches with the situation. It can be upbeat music, theme music to a cartoon. Lonely island music. Anything works as long as it mismatches.
  3. Replay the movie with music. Now replay the movie in your mind with the theme music as loud as you can in your head. And play it all the way through to the end.
  4. Check the results. Now replay the movie, without the music. A you’re watching it, do you feel any different.

Post in the comments below and let me know what your results were!


comfort zone for confidence building

It’s an unfortunate truth, but if you really want to learn how to be confident around guys you like, you’re going to have be uncomfortable and step outside you comfort zone.

Start small at first. It can be just saying high and starting a conversation with the cash register. Asking someone for the time. Going to a meet-up group for something your interested in.

Joining a volunteer group with some friends.

If you have friends that are more of risk takers than you, try to spend more time with.

Also, learn to recognise when you’re making excuses, and be honest with yourself. Keep what you are trying to accomplish in mind, and use that as motivation.

Remember to start small, then work your way up.


This isn’t my favourite piece of advice, because it can burn you out. But it does have some noticeable short term benefits while you get in the groove of this journey of how to be confident around guys you like.

Most people — men and women — get nervous before a date. It’s human nature. But do you have a routine that gives just a teeny bit more confidence? If not, take a note from athletes.

Researchers at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University observed that athletes often immersed themselves in music before a game as a way to psych themselves up for the game. Here are some of the songs that made participants feel the most powerful. Add them to your pre-date playlist!

  • “We Will Rock You” by Queen
  • “Get Ready for This” by 2 Unlimited

You probably have your own list of songs that make you feel powerful and sexy. I’m serious about creating a playlist to listen to as you put on makeup and get dressed for a date! Do it!

Just remember not to become reliant on it, or else you will burn yourself out and come crashing down.


learning new things to improve confidence

Learning to become interesting is one of the simplest tips on how to be confident around guys. It may sound daunting, and you may have even thought to yourself, “Why would anyone find me interesting?” But rest assured, it is actually very easy if you follow these simple steps.

  1. Learn a new skill. The average person spends 4 hours a day watching Netflix, playing on their phone or computer. Imagine if you could use just 30 minutes of that to learn something new. You can head over to Udemy and learn just about anything. Want to learn to draw? They have a free course. Want to learn magic? Hundreds of videos on Youtube. Best part is, you can be just showing off to your friends, and men will naturally be drawn to you because you guys are having fun.
  2. Do something new. If you only live an hour away from the beach, take a day trip and rent a paddle board. Try an indoor rock climbing gym. Join a meet-up group for hikers or joggers or bicyclers. If you’re worried about having nothing to say, having experiences to draw on is a great way to not only hold a conversation, but to also be interesting.
  3. Learn to story tell. There are tons of free YouTube videos on it. If you can learn how to tell a simple story in a fascinating way, men will be drawn to you.

These are the simplest and some of the most effective steps to becoming interesting. And all of these are also key aspects of being generally happy and fulfilled person. Double whammy!


This goes hand in hand with the last tip on how to be confident around guys you like. Simply put, the more you are out and about, the more comfortable you’re going to be in any situation.

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. A walk in the park. Volunteer at the dog shelter. Walk around the neighbourhood. Go to food truck rallies. Pretty much anything that gets you out of the house.

Not only will you find your mood and generally happiness have improved, but you will also be more motivated and comfortable!


I don’t want to beat a dead horse here, but this shows just how important these three things are when you’re trying to figure out how to be more confident around guys you like.

You’re going to have new things to talk about, you’re going to be happier, and you’re going to naturally draw men towards you.

Here are some more tips to try new things:

  1. Fill a jar with some simple things you have wanted to try to do, but “just haven’t gotten around to it.” Then once a week pull a paper with one of the things written on it, and do it!
  2. Pick some behaviours and actions you want to change, and then once a week, at least, do something that helps towards that goal.
  3. Be spontaneous. If you get an inkling that there is something that you want to do, and you have free time. Just go do it. Another simple step, is to just say yes to things. Obviously there is some caveats, and you don’t want to say yes to everything. But if you usually say no when you’re invited out. Say yes this time.

Hopefully by now you can see just how important these last three tips are on how to be more confident around guys you like.


how confidence attracts

It’s all fun and games to read and learn how to be confident around guys you like, but if you never practice what you learn. Then you will never be confident and comfortable.

So again, practice and practice and practice. Every chance you get. It could be practicing conversations with the gas attendant. It could practicing your posture at work or class.

Just whatever you’re doing, try to make a conscious effort to work on yourself.


Remember when I mentioned that you are practicing to learn and will mess up?

Well messing up is always a fear that is constantly on everyone’s mind, and we blow the consequences way out of proportion.

“If we say something stupid in front of this guy, he’s never going to talk to me again. He’ll tell his friends, and soon the whole world will now I’m weird and awkward and to avoid me!”

Well, that’s not gonna happen. Though some part will always be afraid that it will. The best way to overcome it?

Deliberately mess up and do something weird or awkward. It will be uncomfortable at first, but do you know what will happen?

Absolutely nothing. The world is going to go on, and absolutely no one is going to remember. The sooner you can come to the realisation the better off you’re going to be.

So go out and do something weird! Post in the comments to let me know what you’ve tried!


Instead of playing out visions of traumatic, devastating consequences when you mess up.

Start to see what happens when you kill it in a conversation with a guy. Instead of focusing on how to be confident around guys you like, start to see yourself as the confident person you want be.

The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality, and fiction. The more you envision success, the more you’re going to start to believe it without even realising it.

Couple this with keeping a journal of your progress. Instead of writing down and focusing what went wrong, focus on what you did right.

Not only will you see yourself being successful, but then you will be writing down what you are successful with, and pretty soon the thought that you didn’t know how to be confident around guys you like will be a distant thought!

MORE: How To Make Him Your Boyfriend And Keep Him


I know I’ve mentioned a lot on how to be confident around guys you like. But the truth is, it is a myth! I touched on this a little bit at the beginning, but wanted to save this till last. Here is a great video explaining why you should never wait to be or feel confident.

Here’s a quick recap of the key take aways:

  1. Be Yourself….No Be Your Best Self
  2. Take Care Of Yourself
  3. Practice Your Conversational Skills
  4. Actively Listen
  5. Dress Comfortably
  6. Be Proud Of Yourself
  7. Ground Yourself
  8. Flirt
  9. Get A New Mantra
  10. Work On Your Posture
  11. Mirror Your Idol
  12. Change Your Past
  13. Find Your Comfort Zone….Step Out
  14. Pump Yourself Up
  15. Be Interesting
  16. Get Out
  17. Try New Things
  18. Practice!!
  19. Deliberately Mess Up
  20. Envision Success
  21. The Truth: Confidence Is A Myth

Now I want to know, what tip did you find most useful!

Let me know in the comments below!

How Can I Seduce Him With Words – 11 Proven Seductive Phrases Mon, 25 May 2020 23:35:49 +0000 How Can I Seduce Him With Words – 11 Proven Seductive Phrases Read More »

Imagine if you knew a list of seductive words to say to a man to get him totally obsessed with you?

If every time you spoke, men would be totally focused as you verbally led them to wherever you wanted them be.

And by the end, would be totally infatuated with you, and would give anything to have the chance to prove themselves worthy of your attention?

Though, I bet that right now, that seems totally impossible to you.

  • You can’t stop rambling whenever you’re talking to a guy you like?
  • You totally freeze and can’t even think of your name?
  • Or you start trying to flirt like Jess from New Girl

You probably feel like there is no hope of you ever attracting a guy, because you blow it every time you open your mouth. (Not the sexy way either)

How can I seduce him with words? Your answer is just a few scrolls away!

And all you have to do to learn them for absolutely free, is simply scroll down the page.

Because in this article I’m going to show exactly what seductive words to say to man to have him foaming at the mouth over you.

How Can I Seduce Him With Words

Using words to seduce a man is about crafting sentences to engage a man’s processes. These processes are how he feels during certain situations, and determines how he reacts. For instance, how he feels when he is talking to someone he wants to get away from, or when he is talking to someone he is attracted to.

If you can get him to feel the latter while talking to you, his brain rationalises that it must be because he is attracted to you.

Sounds Complicated Right?

But it doesn’t have to be with these simple steps to seducing a man with words!

1. Formula For Seducing Men With Words

words to seduce a man

This is a very simple formula for verbally guiding a man to wherever and whatever you want him to feel!

The formula is:

  1. Weasle Phrases
  2. Action Verb
  3. State, Processes, or Experiences
  4. Commanding Tonality

Combining these together will give you what is called an embedded command. Embedded commands are subconsciously realised and followed, if done correctly. 

Fun Fact: This technique was developed by famous psychologist Milton H. Erickson, which resulted in tremendous therapeutic behavioural changes for his clients!

2. 11 Weasel Phrases To Seduce A Man

How do I seduce him with words
Couple has fun and laughs. kiss. Young hipster couple hugging each other in winter park. Winter love story, a beautiful stylish young couple. Winter fashion concept with boyfriend and girlfriend.

The following are the simplest and most effective weasel phrases. They are the beginning to opening a man up to feel whatever you want him to feel. We are going to use the state, “feel attracted to someone”

When You… “When you” presupposes that the person is going to do the thing or experience the state you describe, so it’s no longer open to debate or doubt. “When you feel attracted to someone, do you find yourself compelled to act on it?”

What would it be like if… This weasel phrase is, in effect, a command for the person to imagine the condition or occurrence named or described after it. “What would it be like if you were to feel attracted to someone?”

A person can… By talking about a “person” it deflects any resistance on the part of the person, since you really aren’t talking about him or her. “A person can feel attracted to someone, that they weren’t initially, just by opening themselves up and getting to know them!” (There’s a second command in here, can you spot it?)

If you were to… By saying “if,” it deflects resistance while directing the person to imagine the experience, condition, feeling or situation you are describing. “If you were to feel attracted to someone, do you think you might feel compelled to act on it?” (There’s a second command hidden in that last sentence, can you spot it?)

As you… This phrase assumes the person will do the behavior or undergo the condition you describe. “As you feel attracted to someone, can you feel how happy you are?”

It’s not necessary to… By saying it isn’t necessary, it eliminates any resistance, since you’re saying they don’t really have to do it (even though they will!) “It’s not necessary to feel that feeling of attraction, as you listen carefully to what I say!”

You really shouldn’t… Since you’re saying they “shouldn’t”, it’s not like you’re trying to get them to do anything, aren’t you? When you tell someone they shouldn’t or don’t, they have to imagine doing that thing in order to think not to do it. Life if I were to tell you, no matter what you do, do not think of an elephant. You have to think of an elephant in order to not think of it! “You really shouldn’t…feel attracted right now!”.

You might find… Useful as the start of an intensifying chain of phrases. It implies that they are going to experience what you describe as something that just happens, so it’s not like you’re commanding them to do it! “You might find as you feel attracted to someone, it could lead to your acting on it!”

To the point where… This phrase connects one thing your man is experiencing with the next thing you want them to experience, so it’s useful both as a connector and an amplifier. “You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where you feel that strong level of attraction!

Invite you to notice… This has the same effect as “you might find” because it implies that what you describe is going to happen. Plus, “invite” has pleasant connotations of it being voluntary and polite! Ha! Super seductive words to say to a man! “And I invite you to notice how the warmth of my voice can allow you to feel that level of attraction you want.”

How surprised would you be to… This implies that the event you describe is certainly going to happen, and the only question is how surprised they’ll be by it! One of my absolute favorite weasel phrases. An example is: “How surprised will you be to find that you can feel attracted to someone after just meeting them?”

3. 11 Action Verbs To Seduce Him


seductive words to say to a man

Action verbs are going to be what you want your man to do:

  • Remember
  • Feel
  • Forget
  • Relax
  • Change
  • Think
  • Get
  • Experience
  • Have
  • Know
  • Love

You may recognise some of these action verbs from the examples above. These are just some examples, and they’re literally hundreds for you pick and choose from! 

4. 11 State, Processes, Or Experiences You Want Him Feeling

These are what you want your man to begin to feel, process or experience. Such as:

  • Change of mind
  • Change of Heart
  • Attraction
  • Loving
  • Turned On
  • Comfortable
  • Relaxed
  • Open-Minded
  • Willing
  • Excited
  • Happy

Pretty much whatever you want him to feel around him, you can make him feel it.


Having a command tonality is a simple trick, but will take some practice.

All you have to do, is when you say the action verb and desired state, you lower your voice however slightly.

For example:

If you were to feel attracted to someone, would act on it? Or stand idly by and see what happens?

When you would say “feel attracted” you would slightly lower your voice in a commanding tone.

Here is a great video that explains it all and gives some more examples

6. Some More Examples Of Using Words To Seducing A Man

One of the things you’re really going to love about … is … You see this question suggests that not only will you love what I am about to suggest, but that you will love other things also.

One of the things you are going to love about learning seductive words to say to a man is the feeling of control and confidence you will get.

One of the things about studying words to seduce a man is the feeling of power you will get over others.

As you consider the benefits of… you might like to … As you consider contains the presupposition that you are already doing it.

As you consider the benefits of learning seductive words to say to a man, you might like to think of the sexy men you will be able to attract.

As you consider the benefits learning words to seduce a man, you might like to think of the enhanced dating skills you will get.

Imagine yourself… This is a really good way of getting someone to make vivid pictures inside their mind.

Imagine the success that will flow to you once you learned all of the seductive words to say to a man. Imagine the men you will be able to date after mastering these principles.

Here’s a quick recap of the important takeaways:

  • Weasle Phrases: Phrases that presume the man will feel the desired state without telling him.
  • Action Verbs: Verbs that direct the man towards the desired state or feeling.
  • State, Feeling, Processes: The state, feeling, or process you want the man to be in, feel, or think about.
  • Example: If you were to feel attracted to someone, what is the first sign you realise, that this is someone you want to get to know more

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